Clear information in numbers and charts

A wealth of information in numbers, maps and charts. Based on the official sources of many different open data providers. Clear overviews and backgrounds per region and per theme based on open data.
A wealth of information in numbers, maps and charts. Based on the official sources of many different open data providers. Clear overviews and backgrounds per region and per theme based on open data.
Available topics:

Dutch regional data

Regional statistics for the Netherlands about more than 100 topics at country level and per province, municipality, borough and neighbourhood.

More than 100 statistical topics in clear charts, maps and tables for each regional level in the Netherlands: the country, 12 provinces, 355 municipalities, boroughs and neighbourhoods.

German regional data

Regional statistics for Germany about more than 100 topics at country level and per state, district, municipality, borough and neighbourhood.

More than 100 statistical topics in clear charts, maps and tables per region in Germany: the country, 16 states, more than 400 districts and more than 11.000 municipalities. Boroughs and neighbourhoods will be added later where possible.

World country data on a page

A page per country with the available data in clear charts and numbers.

More topics

More topics will be added soon! serves clear information based on 'open data'. Open data refers to all publicly available data provided by governments and other organisations. There are regional statistics per country, state or municipality. With information about population, demographics, houses and more. View a lot of information in numbers and graphs at!

The information about The Netherlands at is also available in Dutch: Klik hier voor Nederlands.