Use of cookies at AllCharts
Most of functions without cookies. However, uses 2 important web services from Google that work with cookies:
These 2 Google services use cookies and thereby AllCharts also uses cookies.
Possible cookie settings
Because only Google cookies are used for AllCharts, Google’s advertising settings automatically apply to AllCharts. Please refer to “Opting out of advertisement personalization” at the page with information about how Google AdSense uses cookies.
Most websites use many different advertising parties with different cookies. You can see this from the ads.txt file on the website(s). With AllCharts the ads.txt file contains only 1 line. With for example The Wallstreet Journal (random example) the ads.txt file contains dozens of lines.
Where does the term cookie come from?
The name comes from the idea that internet cookies look like ‘magic cookies’. This is because you cannot immediately see what is in the computer file that we call cookie. Just like with ‘magic cookies’ (also called ‘fortune cookies’) where there is a message hidden in the cookie.
What are cookies?
Cookies are small data files that are stored on the user’s device (phone, tablet or computer). Sites send these files to your browser (the program with which you read this page and internet pages in general, such as Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, Firefox or Safari). In this way, advertisements can be tailored to your previous online activities. Cookies are also used to remember passwords and usernames.
The cookies on AllCharts contain information used by Google’s services. For example, you may see advertising on related to a topic that you have previously looked at on the internet.
Cookies are compared to the ticket you receive when you hand in your coat at the cloakroom of, for example, a museum or theater. The wardrobe card itself is useless, but it does identify your jacket. A website similarly recognizes a piece of data that you gave during a previous visit.
What are the rules about cookies?
Under European law, cookies may be used by websites if users are informed and agree to their use. Also according to the user permission policy in the European Union from Google it is mandatory to inform users that cookies are used and how they are used.
That is why a message is displayed at AllCharts that cookies are in use. This notification is made using “Cookie Consent” , “the most popular solution for EU cookie legislation “. You will see the message until you click “Accept”. Your agreement to use the cookies is immediately stored in a cookie :) Thanks to this cookie, the Cookie Consent script knows that you have clicked ok for the website AllCharts. As a result, you will not receive the cookie notification again as long as this cookie is on your device.