Publication history

Overview of the changes over time at
Overview of the changes over time at

Changes at

The information at AllCharts grows in small steps. Iteratively by starting with a coarse structure and filling it in with more detail over time. And incrementally, by adding new content and parts one after the other. Each change is as small as possible and has minimal dependencies on other changes. This way, a completed parts can be published as soon as possible (this way of working is called “agile”).

There are different types of changes: technical changes to the way AllCharts is made, functional changes to the website and content changes to the data on AlleCijfers. These changes often take place in combination.

The table below shows an overview of the most important changes on AllCharts:

(There is also a separate overview of the status of all source data.)

Table with the log (publication history) of the most important changes on AllCharts.
15 September 2024Modernised and extended the data at the [regional pages for the Netherlands](/the-netherlands/).
1 October 2021Updated all municipality, borough and neighbourhood pages with the first version of the CBS data for 2021 as well as the regional structures for 2021.
15 January 2021Added data about the number of vaccinations per country.
2 October 2020Updated all municipality, borough and neighbourhood pages with the first version of the CBS data for 2020 as well as the regional structures for 2020.
11 September 2020Added regional information with more than 100 topics for Germany and each state, district and municipality in Germany.
1 September 2020Added more information to the pages per region for The Netherlands. Added a page with the definitions of all topics for The Netherlands.
10 July 2020Published the page with and overview of all data sources and data providers used. Also published this page with the overview of changes.
9 July 2020Added a page for each borough and each neighbourhood for all 355 municipalities in The Netherlands. Also added an overview page per municipality to allow for easy navagition between all the regions within the municipality.
6 July 2020Added a page for The Netherlands as a whole and for each of the 12 provinces.
4 July 2020Added information tables with data on more than 100 topics for each municipality in The Netherlands.
2 July 2020Added data about the population and age groups for municipalities in the Netherlands. This is a version of these pages. The pages are a translation & technical make over of similar page with much more information in Dutch at the website
30 June 2020Published the first version of . Set up the main structure with the menu, home page and pages with background information like about, cookies and contact.
29 June 2020Added population data for all countries in the world based on data from the world bank.
Picture of some very old physical archives (1922 in this case) at the Dutch Kadaster (land registry).

Looking through some very old physical archives at the Dutch Kadaster (land registry).