More than 75 sources were used for the pages at AllCharts. Almost all sources provide new data annually or several times a year. Whenever new data has been processed, this will be reflected on this page by an updated date for that data source. The data in the source files is sometimes first published temporarily and later definitively. In those cases, the datestamp for that data will also be updated here later.
The amount of information per source can vary greatly. Sometimes a single source contains information on multiple topics broken down by detail regions and by various points in time. On the other hand, some sources only contain a very specific subject for one moment in time. Especially for sources with a lot of information, AllCharts often shows a selection of the subjects and years. In the downloads many more topics from the sources mentioned are included (for the chosen regional selection, usually one municipality).
Source | Date |
Municipality, province and country wide statistics. (CBS, 2002-2025): Data on the themes of population, housing, education, work, income, social security, companies, agriculture, transport, proximity to facilities, environment and land use for municipalities and various supra-municipal subdivisions. | 28 February 2025 |
Address data (Kadaster, 2025): Most recent address data from the BAG (Register of Addresses and Buildings by the Land Registry). The BAG contains the official data of all addresses and buildings in the Netherlands. In addition to all addresses, all properties, accommodation, pitches and berths are registered in the BAG. These "object types" are demarcated and provided with a unique designation. | 1 January 2025 |
Building data (Kadaster, 2025): Relevant buildings and structures, originating from the Key Register of Addresses and Buildings (BAG). | 1 January 2025 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2021 (CBS, 2021): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 20 December 2024 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2022 (CBS, 2022): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 20 December 2024 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2023 (CBS, 2023): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 20 December 2024 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2024 (CBS, 2024): Statistical data for more than 250 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 20 December 2024 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures since 2013. (CBS, 1995-2024): Statistical data for more than 250 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 20 December 2024 |
Area layouts (CBS, 2008-2025): For each year, a separate table is used with the municipalities active in that year and all associated area divisions. Data from Statistics Netherlands. Each table contains the official codes and names of municipalities and the corresponding names and codes of other regional classifications such as labor market regions, districts, COROP areas, the cooperation areas for municipal health services (GGD), youth care regions, the Chamber of Commerce regions, agricultural areas, regions, provinces and regional police units. | 10 December 2024 |
Municipality, province and country wide key figures (CBS, 1995-2024): Municipality, province and country wide key figures. | 22 November 2024 |
Population development per municipality per year (CBS, 1998-2024): Dutch population: age distribution and gender (population pyramid) per municipality: Figures on the population development per municipality by the Central Bureay for Statistics in the Netherlands. | 16 October 2024 |
Cadastral Parcels (Kadaster, 2024): Registration details of the cadastral parcels by the Dutch Land Registry. | 11 September 2024 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2024): The files per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 1 July 2024 |
Election results (Kiesraad, 1946-2024): Election information: number of seats and number of votes per party per municipality. All results of the elections for the House of Representatives, the Provincial Council, the Water Board, the European Parliament and the city council. The information about the election results comes from the Electoral Council, which publishes these data as open data. | 6 June 2024 |
Election results House of Representatives (Kiesraad, 1946-2024): All results of the elections for the House of Representatives after the Second War by municipality and for the whole of the Netherlands. | 6 June 2024 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2024): The files per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 2 May 2024 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2019 (CBS, 2019): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 2 May 2024 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2020 (CBS, 2020): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 15 March 2024 |
Public health data per borough and per neighbourhood (RIVM, 2012-2022): The RIVM health monitor provides health data per municipality, borough and neighborhood. This is data about health limitations, perceived health, obesity, smoking, drinking and informal care. | 14 November 2023 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2017 (CBS, 2017): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 14 July 2023 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures 2018 (CBS, 2018): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. | 30 June 2023 |
Global population (WBG, 1960-2050): Number of inhabitants per country worldwide (WBG, World Bank Group). | 12 May 2023 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2023): The files per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 2 May 2023 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2022): The files per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 21 September 2022 |
Nationalities (CBS, 1995-2022): Nationality of residents of the Netherlands: Population; gender, age and nationality. | 7 June 2022 |
Countries of birth (CBS, 1996-2022): Data about the Dutch population per country of birth, split by gender, agegroup and region. | 3 June 2022 |
Migration background (CBS, 1996-2022): Migration background of the inhabitants in the Netherlands: broken down by gender and age of the population per country with which a person is associated based on the country of birth of the parents or of themselves. | 31 May 2022 |
Address data: status per year (Kadaster, 2013-2022): Snapshot of the addresses from the BAG (Register of Addresses and Buildings of the Land Registry) in the Netherlands as of January each year. | 24 January 2022 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2021): The files per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 21 October 2021 |
Maplayers (Stamen, 2021): The underlying map layers on all maps are from Stamen. | 21 October 2021 |
Municipal reclassifications (OpenInfo, 2008-2021): Overview of the reclassifications of municipalities to be able to transform historical data into the newer municipal division. Wikipedia and Statistics Netherlands are the most important sources for this. | 21 October 2021 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2020): The files for 2020 and per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 2 October 2020 |
Chamber of Commerce trade register (KVK, 2019): The Chamber of Commerce Trade Register Open Data Set provides anonymized company data from the Trade Register. | 1 September 2020 |
Recent municipal key figures (DESTATIS GV-Isys, 2020): German community directory with population, area, official community key (AGS), postcode and address. Monthly or quarterly updates. | 31 March 2020 |
Geographies of Administrative Areas in Germany (BKG, 2020): German administrative Areas by BKG, the "Bundesamt für Kartographie und Geodäsie". The Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy is the central service provider of topographic data, cartography, and geodetic reference systems for the German government. © GeoBasis-DE / BKG (2020) | 31 December 2019 |
Hannover city population data 2020 (Hannover city, 2020): Neighborhoods and boroughs in Hanover, Germany at a glance: important population figures. | 31 December 2019 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods 2017 (CBS, 2017): The files for 2017 and per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 18 November 2019 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods 2018 (CBS, 2018): The files for 2018 and per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 18 November 2019 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods most recently (CBS, 2019): The files for 2019 and per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 18 November 2019 |
Employment (RegionalStatistik, 2008-2019): German Employees subject to social security contributions at the place of work by gender and nationality per region per year. | 30 June 2019 |
Population development forecast Netherlands (CBS, 1900-2060): Dutch population by age group since 1900 to 2060: historical information and prognosis. | 5 May 2019 |
Election candidates (OpenState, 2019): Candidate list for the Provincial Council Elections 2019. | 1 April 2019 |
Municipality, borough, neighborhood key figures for the years 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016 (CBS, 2013-2016): Statistical data for more than 100 subjects of municipalities, districts and neighborhoods in the Netherlands. The municipalities in the Netherlands are divided into districts and neighborhoods. Neighborhoods are the lowest regional level. | 1 February 2019 |
Average age of the population (RegionalStatistik, 2012-2019): Average age of the population in Germany. | 31 December 2018 |
Deaths by gender (RegionalStatistik, 2008-2017): Deaths by gender - annual totals for Germany. | 31 December 2018 |
Dwellings (RegionalStatistik, 2012-2019): Inventory of residential buildings and apartments in residential and non-residential buildings - as of December 31 - for Germany. Regional depth: Communities. Residential buildings (dwellings) are buildings that serve at least half (measured by the proportion of living space in the total usable area) for residential purposes. The residential buildings also include dormitories. | 31 December 2018 |
Hannover city structural data 2019 (Hannover city, 2019): Neighborhoods and boroughs in Hanover, Germany at a glance: important key figures. | 31 December 2018 |
Live births by gender (RegionalStatistik, 2008-2017): Live births by gender, total number per year. | 31 December 2018 |
Population and cadastral area of Administrative Areas (BKG, 2019): German administrative Areas with population data and cadastral area in km². © GeoBasis-DE / BKG (2019) | 31 December 2018 |
Population by gender and age districts (DESTATIS, 2019): German population: Administrative districts, reference date, sex, age groups. DESTATIS is the Federal Statistical Office of Germany. | 31 December 2018 |
Population by gender and age group (RegionalStatistik, 2009-2019): German population numbers by gender and age groups. | 31 December 2018 |
Unemployed by selected groups of people (RegionalStatistik, 2018): Unemployed by selected groups of people - annual averages for Germany. | 31 December 2018 |
Geography of municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods from 2013 to 2016 (CBS, 2013-2016): The histroical files per year and per municipality, borough and neighborhood contain the digital geometry of the boundaries of the regions in GIS format. This publication is a first version of the figures. The municipal boundaries come from the Basic Registration Cadastre (BRK). The underlying map layers come from Stamen. © Statistics Netherlands, © ESRI Netherlands. | 1 December 2018 |
Business (RegionalStatistik, 2009-2018): Companies, employees, gross wages in Germany. | 30 September 2018 |
Income (RegionalStatistik, 2007 - 2015): Wage and income taxpayers, total income, wage and income tax. Annual totals for Germany. Regional depth: municipalities. Years: ['2015', '2014', '2013', '2010', '2007'] | 30 September 2018 |
Population and cadastral area of Administrative Areas (BKG, 2018): German administrative Areas with population data and cadastral area in km². © GeoBasis-DE / BKG (2018) | 31 December 2017 |
Election results Landestag Lower Saxony (RegionalStatistik, 2008-2017): Election results Landestag Lower Saxony, Germany. | 15 October 2017 |
Election results Bundestag (RegionalStatistik, 2009-2017): German elections for the Bundestag: voters, turnout, valid second votes after selected parties. Election days: 24.09.2017 / 22.09.2013 / 27.09.2009. | 24 September 2017 |
Religion (RegionalStatistik, 2011): Population of Germany by religious affiliation split by gender and nationality. | 3 July 2012 |
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Links to the major open data providers used.