Information about the municipality Oersdorf:

View the information on over 100 topics about the municipality Oersdorf! With charts, links to more information & an overview of all figures in 1 table.
View the information on over 100 topics about the municipality Oersdorf! With charts, links to more information & an overview of all figures in 1 table.
Population numbers per year
The number of inhabitants in the municipality Oersdorf
20092010201120122013201420152016201720182019825830835840845850855860865870875880Value 2009: 841Value 2010: 850Value 2011: 867Value 2012: 832Value 2013: 866Value 2014: 874Value 2015: 874Value 2016: 870Value 2017: 856Value 2018: 877Value 2019: 877

Population numbers in the municipality Oersdorf for the years 2009 thru 2019.

The number of inhabitants is the number of persons as registered in the population register on January 1st.

Population at the map of Oersdorf
Map of District Segeberg with the population per municipality.Municipality Oersdorf is highlighted with a red edge.. This page shows a lot of information about residents (such as the distribution by age groups, family composition, gender, native or German with an immigration background, ...), homes (numbers, types, price development, use, type of property, ...) and more (car ownership, energy consumption, ...) based on open data from the German Federal Agency for Cartography, the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS), the Regional Statistical Offices and various other sources!

Map of District Segeberg with the population per municipality.Municipality Oersdorf is highlighted with a red edge. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Stocksee, 2: municipality Schmalensee, 3: municipality Damsdorf, 4: municipality Bornhöved, 5: municipality Glasau ...Show more... Map of District Segeberg with the population per municipality.Municipality Oersdorf is highlighted with a red edge. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Stocksee, 2: municipality Schmalensee, 3: municipality Damsdorf, 4: municipality Bornhöved, 5: municipality Glasau, 6: municipality Gönnebek, 7: municipality Seedorf, 8: municipality Tarbek, 9: municipality Tensfeld, 10: municipality Trappenkamp, 11: municipality Groß Kummerfeld, 12: municipality Nehms, 13: municipality Travenhorst, 14: municipality Daldorf, 15: municipality Blunk, 16: municipality Boostedt, 17: municipality Rickling, 18: municipality Latendorf, 19: municipality Hardebek, 20: municipality Wensin, 21: municipality Hasenkrug, 22: municipality Krems II, 23: municipality Negernbötel, 24: municipality Groß Rönnau, 25: municipality Großenaspe, 26: municipality Borstel, 27: municipality Armstedt, 28: municipality Rohlstorf, 29: municipality Heidmühlen, 30: municipality Wiemersdorf, 31: municipality Klein Rönnau, 32: municipality Schackendorf, 33: municipality city Wahlstedt, 34: municipality Pronstorf, 35: municipality Stipsdorf, 36: municipality Hagen, 37: municipality Fahrenkrug, 38: municipality Fuhlendorf, 39: municipality city Bad Segeberg, 40: municipality Schieren, 41: municipality Westerrade, 42: unincorporated area Buchholz (Forstgutsbez.), 43: municipality Bimöhlen, 44: municipality Wittenborn, 45: municipality Föhrden-Barl, 46: municipality Hitzhusen, 47: municipality Högersdorf, 48: municipality Geschendorf, 49: municipality Weede, 50: municipality Bark, 51: municipality Klein Gladebrügge, 52: municipality Strukdorf, 53: municipality city Bad Bramstedt, 54: municipality Hasenmoor, 55: municipality Mözen, 56: municipality Weddelbrook, 57: municipality Schwissel, 58: municipality Neuengörs, 59: municipality Traventhal, 60: municipality Kükels, 61: municipality Hartenholm, 62: municipality Todesfelde, 63: municipality Bühnsdorf, 64: municipality Mönkloh, 65: municipality Dreggers, 66: municipality Schmalfeld, 67: municipality Bebensee, 68: municipality Bahrenhof, 69: municipality Lentföhrden, 70: municipality Fredesdorf, 71: municipality Leezen, 72: municipality Wakendorf I, 73: municipality Struvenhütten, 74: municipality Neversdorf, 75: municipality Stuvenborn, 76: municipality Seth, 77: municipality Nützen, 78: municipality Heidmoor, 79: municipality Kattendorf, 80: municipality Oersdorf, 81: municipality Groß Niendorf, 82: municipality Sievershütten, 83: municipality Hüttblek, 84: municipality Winsen, 85: municipality city Kaltenkirchen, 86: municipality Oering, 87: municipality Sülfeld, 88: municipality Kisdorf, 89: municipality Itzstedt, 90: municipality Nahe, 91: municipality Alveslohe, 92: municipality Henstedt-Ulzburg, 93: municipality Wakendorf II, 94: municipality Ellerau, 95: municipality Kayhude, 96: municipality city Norderstedt ...Show less...

Population per age group
The percentage of inhabitants per age group in the municipality Oersdorf
9%9%8%16%25%19%13%0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%20%22%24%% 0-10% 10-18% 18-30% 30-45% 45-60% 60-75% 75+

Municipality Oersdorf, 2019, age groups.

Population, age groups: percentage of inhabitants per age category.

The number of rooms per house (dwelling)
The number of rooms of the houses in the municipality Oersdorf
1%25%74%% Houses 1-2 rooms% Houses 3-4 rooms% Houses 5+ rooms

Municipality Oersdorf, 2019, number of rooms per house.

The percentage shows the relative share of houses per category based on the numer of rooms: 1 to 2 rooms, 3 to 4 rooms or 5 rooms or more. This is based on the total number of rooms as identified for all dwellings in the municipality Oersdorf.

Data about more than 100 topics!

The table below shows data for more than 100 topics as most recently available for the municipality Oersdorf. Select a category to display the related topics:

Businessesno dataNumber2015
Active personsno dataNumber2015
Gross wagesno dataEuro2015
Houses 1 room1Number2019
Houses 2 rooms2Number2019
Houses 3 rooms28Number2019
Houses 4 rooms70Number2019
Houses 5 rooms106Number2019
Houses 6 rooms92Number2019
Houses 7+ rooms 91Number2019
Houses 1-2 rooms3Number2019
Houses 3-4 rooms98Number2019
Houses 5+ rooms289Number2019
1-2 rooms1%Percentage2019
3-4 rooms25%Percentage2019
5+ rooms74%Percentage2019
Voters Bundestag712,00Number2017
Voter turnout Bundestag70Number2017
Votes valid Bundestag494Number2017
Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU172Number2017
Votes Bundestag SPD96Number2017
Votes Bundestag GRÜNE79Number2017
Votes Bundestag FDP75Number2017
Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE38Number2017
Votes Bundestag AfD27Number2017
Votes Bundestag other parties7Number2017
Votes Bundestag total494Number2017
% Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU24%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag SPD13%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag GRÜNE11%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag FDP11%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE5%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag AfD4%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag other parties1%Percentage2017
Employees male170Number2019
Employees female159Number2019
Employees foreigner10Number2019
Employees male foreigner6Number2019
Employees female foreigner4Number2019
Unemployed foreigners0Number2018
Unemployed severely disabled1Number2018
Unemployed 15-200Number2018
Unemployed 15-251Number2018
Unemployed 55-655Number2018
Unemployed long-term4Number2018
% Unemployed1%Percentage2018
% Unemployed foreigners0%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed severely disabled0%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 15-200%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 15-250%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 55-651%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed long-term0%Percentage of the population2018
Income receivers457Number2015
Income total€21.301Euro2015
Income tax€4.020Euro2015
% Men50%Percentage2019
% Women50%Percentage2019
Average age46Average number2019
Average age male44Average number2019
Average age female48Average number2019
Births male4Number2018
Births female0Number2018
1K Births5Number per 1000 inhabitants2018
Deaths male6Number2018
Deaths female3Number2018
1K Deaths11Number2018
Girls 0-36Number2019
Boys 0-316Number2019
Girls 3-614Number2019
Boys 3-613Number2019
Women 65-7051Number2019
Men 65-7048Number2019
Women 75+62Number2019
Men 75+52Number2019
% 0-109%Percentage2019
% 10-189%Percentage2019
% 18-308%Percentage2019
% 30-4516%Percentage2019
% 45-6025%Percentage2019
% 60+32%Percentage2019
Real estateValueUnitYear
Property tax A revenue€7.310Euro2018
Property tax B revenue€125.513Euro2018
Trade tax actual revenue€137.327Euro2018
Property tax A basic amount€2.031Euro2018
Property tax B basic amount€34.865Euro2018
Trade tax basic amount€36.139Euro2018
Property tax A rate€360Euro2018
Property tax B rate€360Euro2018
Trade tax rate€380Euro2018
Real tax raising force€316.864Euro2018
Trade tax levy€24.361Euro2018
Trade tax net€112.966Euro2018
Community share in income tax€542.797Euro2018
Community share in sales tax€13.484Euro2018
Tax revenue€848.784Euro2018
Region code010605048066Code2019
Region code 8 digits01060066Code01060066
Sorting code010605048066Code010605048066
Sorting code 8 digits01060066Code01060066
Region nameOersdorfName2019
Regional level6Categorical type2019
Region typeMunicipalityCategorical type2019
Region type detailmunicipalityCategorical type2019
Region name with typemunicipality OersdorfName2019
Region name in GermanGemeinde OersdorfName2019
Direct subregionsno dataNumber2019
NUTS codeDEF0DCode2019
Area7Area in km²2019
Roman Catholic church25Number2011
Protestant church372Number2011
Other or none433Number2011
% Roman Catholic church3%Percentage2011
% Protestant church45%Percentage2011
% Other or none52%Percentage2011
Roman Catholic church German25Number2011
Protestant church German366Number2011
Other or none German427Number2011
% Roman Catholic church German3%Percentage2011
% Protestant church German45%Percentage2011
% Other or none German Foreign52%Percentage2011
Roman Catholic church Foreign0Number2011
Protestant church Foreign6Number2011
Other or none Foreign6Number2011
% Roman Catholic church Foreign0%Percentage2011
% Protestant church Foreign50%Percentage2011
% Other or none Foreign50%Percentage2011
Open data sources used

Data is used from multiple German open data providers. See this description of the sources with the definitions of all regional topics.

Sources & definitions
Under development
Work is in progress to add more information to this page

This page will be further expanded with more topics in clear graphs. This will be done in several iterations in the coming weeks.