Information about the rural district Cloppenburg:

View the information on over 100 topics about the rural district Cloppenburg! With charts, links to more information & an overview of all figures in 1 table.
View the information on over 100 topics about the rural district Cloppenburg! With charts, links to more information & an overview of all figures in 1 table.
Population numbers per year
The number of inhabitants in the rural district Cloppenburg
Value 2009: 157.268Value 2010: 157.506Value 2011: 158.194Value 2012: 159.290Value 2013: 160.176Value 2014: 162.350Value 2015: 164.734Value 2016: 165.930Value 2017: 167.925Value 2018: 169.348Value 2019: 169.348

Population numbers in the rural district Cloppenburg for the years 2009 thru 2019.

The number of inhabitants is the number of persons as registered in the population register on January 1st.

Population at the map of Cloppenburg
Map of the district Cloppenburg with the population per municipality.. This page shows a lot of information about residents (such as the distribution by age groups, family composition, gender, native or German with an immigration background, ...), homes (numbers, types, price development, use, type of property, ...) and more (car ownership, energy consumption, ...) based on open data from the German Federal Agency for Cartography, the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS), the Regional Statistical Offices and various other sources!

Map of the district Cloppenburg with the population per municipality. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Barßel, 2: municipality Saterland, 3: municipality Bösel, 4: municipality city Friesoythe, 5: municipality Garrel ...Show more... Map of the district Cloppenburg with the population per municipality. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Barßel, 2: municipality Saterland, 3: municipality Bösel, 4: municipality city Friesoythe, 5: municipality Garrel, 6: municipality Molbergen, 7: municipality city Cloppenburg, 8: municipality Emstek, 9: municipality Lindern (Oldenburg), 10: municipality Lastrup, 11: municipality Cappeln (Oldenburg), 12: municipality city Löningen, 13: municipality Essen (Oldenburg) ...Show less...

Population per age group
The percentage of inhabitants per age group in the rural district Cloppenburg
11%9%16%19%23%14%8%0%2%4%6%8%10%12%14%16%18%20%22%% 0-10% 10-18% 18-30% 30-45% 45-60% 60-75% 75+

Rural district Cloppenburg, 2019, age groups.

Population, age groups: percentage of inhabitants per age category.

The number of rooms per house (dwelling)
The number of rooms of the houses in the rural district Cloppenburg
5%25%71%% Houses 1-2 rooms% Houses 3-4 rooms% Houses 5+ rooms

Rural district Cloppenburg, 2019, number of rooms per house.

The percentage shows the relative share of houses per category based on the numer of rooms: 1 to 2 rooms, 3 to 4 rooms or 5 rooms or more. This is based on the total number of rooms as identified for all dwellings in the rural district Cloppenburg.

Data about more than 100 topics!

The table below shows data for more than 100 topics as most recently available for the rural district Cloppenburg. Select a category to display the related topics:

Active persons18.986Number2017
Gross wages€611.235Euro2017
Houses 1 room538Number2019
Houses 2 rooms2.691Number2019
Houses 3 rooms6.735Number2019
Houses 4 rooms10.277Number2019
Houses 5 rooms12.417Number2019
Houses 6 rooms11.138Number2019
Houses 7+ rooms 25.243Number2019
Houses 1-2 rooms3.229Number2019
Houses 3-4 rooms17.012Number2019
Houses 5+ rooms48.798Number2019
1-2 rooms5%Percentage2019
3-4 rooms25%Percentage2019
5+ rooms71%Percentage2019
Voters Bundestag119275,00Number2017
Voter turnout Bundestag73Number2017
Votes valid Bundestag86.177Number2017
Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU45.241Number2017
Votes Bundestag SPD16.070Number2017
Votes Bundestag GRÜNE3.806Number2017
Votes Bundestag FDP7.558Number2017
Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE3.958Number2017
Votes Bundestag AfD7.808Number2017
Votes Bundestag other parties1.736Number2017
Votes Bundestag total86.177Number2017
% Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU38%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag SPD13%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag GRÜNE3%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag FDP6%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE3%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag AfD7%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag other parties1%Percentage2017
Employees male41.951Number2019
Employees female30.071Number2019
Employees foreigner9.988Number2019
Employees male foreigner7.079Number2019
Employees female foreigner2.909Number2019
Unemployed foreigners772Number2018
Unemployed severely disabled332Number2018
Unemployed 15-2090Number2018
Unemployed 15-25408Number2018
Unemployed 55-65941Number2018
Unemployed long-term1.287Number2018
% Unemployed2%Percentage2018
% Unemployed foreigners0%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed severely disabled0%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 15-200%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 15-250%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 55-651%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed long-term1%Percentage of the population2018
Income receivers76.868Number2015
Income total€2.630.158Euro2015
Income tax€400.937Euro2015
% Men51%Percentage2019
% Women49%Percentage2019
Average age41Average number2019
Average age male40Average number2019
Average age female42Average number2019
Births male957Number2018
Births female949Number2018
1K Births11Number per 1000 inhabitants2018
Deaths male789Number2018
Deaths female819Number2018
1K Deaths10Number2018
Girls 0-32.825Number2019
Boys 0-32.922Number2019
Girls 3-62.696Number2019
Boys 3-62.801Number2019
Women 65-706.740Number2019
Men 65-706.733Number2019
Women 75+8.623Number2019
Men 75+5.627Number2019
% 0-1011%Percentage2019
% 10-189%Percentage2019
% 18-3016%Percentage2019
% 30-4519%Percentage2019
% 45-6023%Percentage2019
% 60+22%Percentage2019
Real estateValueUnitYear
Property tax A revenue€2.887.309Euro2018
Property tax B revenue€22.852.220Euro2018
Trade tax actual revenue€99.543.374Euro2018
Property tax A basic amount€834.377Euro2018
Property tax B basic amount€6.698.121Euro2018
Trade tax basic amount€27.577.561Euro2018
Property tax A rate€346Euro2018
Property tax B rate€341Euro2018
Trade tax rate€361Euro2018
Real tax raising force€145.346.125Euro2018
Trade tax levy€18.835.473Euro2018
Trade tax net€80.707.901Euro2018
Community share in income tax€54.093.437Euro2018
Community share in sales tax€12.295.047Euro2018
Tax revenue€192.899.136Euro2018
Region code03453Code2019
Region code 8 digits03453Code03453
Sorting code034530000000Code034530000000
Sorting code 8 digits03453000Code03453000
Region nameCloppenburgName2019
Regional level4Categorical type2019
Region typeDistrictCategorical type2019
Region type detailrural districtCategorical type2019
Region name with typerural district CloppenburgName2019
Region name in GermanLandkreis CloppenburgName2019
Direct subregions13Number2019
NUTS codeDE948Code2019
Area1.420Area in km²2019
Roman Catholic church96.311Number2011
Protestant church32.333Number2011
Other or none30.693Number2011
% Roman Catholic church60%Percentage2011
% Protestant church20%Percentage2011
% Other or none19%Percentage2011
Roman Catholic church German94.376Number2011
Protestant church German31.830Number2011
Other or none German24.852Number2011
% Roman Catholic church German62%Percentage2011
% Protestant church German21%Percentage2011
% Other or none German Foreign16%Percentage2011
Roman Catholic church Foreign1.935Number2011
Protestant church Foreign503Number2011
Other or none Foreign5.841Number2011
% Roman Catholic church Foreign23%Percentage2011
% Protestant church Foreign6%Percentage2011
% Other or none Foreign71%Percentage2011
Open data sources used

Data is used from multiple German open data providers. See this description of the sources with the definitions of all regional topics.

Sources & definitions
Under development
Work is in progress to add more information to this page

This page will be further expanded with more topics in clear graphs. This will be done in several iterations in the coming weeks.