Map of the district Lahn-Dill-Kreis with the population per municipality. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Dietzhölztal, 2: municipality Eschenburg, 3: municipality city Haiger, 4: municipality Siegbach, 5: municipality city Dillenburg ...Show more... Map of the district Lahn-Dill-Kreis with the population per municipality. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Dietzhölztal, 2: municipality Eschenburg, 3: municipality city Haiger, 4: municipality Siegbach, 5: municipality city Dillenburg, 6: municipality Bischoffen, 7: municipality Mittenaar, 8: municipality Breitscheid, 9: municipality city Herborn, 10: municipality Hohenahr, 11: municipality Sinn, 12: municipality Driedorf, 13: municipality Ehringshausen, 14: municipality city Aßlar, 15: municipality Greifenstein, 16: municipality Lahnau, 17: municipality city Wetzlar, 18: municipality city Leun, 19: municipality city Solms, 20: municipality Hüttenberg, 21: municipality city Braunfels, 22: municipality Schöffengrund, 23: municipality Waldsolms ...Show less...
Rural district Lahn-Dill-Kreis, 2019, number of rooms per house.
The percentage shows the relative share of houses per category based on the numer of rooms: 1 to 2 rooms, 3 to 4 rooms or 5 rooms or more. This is based on the total number of rooms as identified for all dwellings in the rural district Lahn-Dill-Kreis.
The table below shows data for more than 100 topics as most recently available for the rural district Lahn-Dill-Kreis. Select a category to display the related topics:
Business | Value | Unit | Year |
Businesses | 244 | Number | 2017 |
Active persons | 28.987 | Number | 2017 |
Gross wages | €1.331.179 | Euro | 2017 |
Dwellings | Value | Unit | Year |
Houses 1 room | 1.258 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 2 rooms | 5.721 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 3 rooms | 17.659 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 4 rooms | 25.794 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 5 rooms | 22.802 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 6 rooms | 19.053 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 7+ rooms | 28.259 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 1-2 rooms | 6.979 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 3-4 rooms | 43.453 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 5+ rooms | 70.114 | Number | 2019 |
1-2 rooms | 6% | Percentage | 2019 |
3-4 rooms | 36% | Percentage | 2019 |
5+ rooms | 58% | Percentage | 2019 |
Elections | Value | Unit | Year |
Voters Bundestag | 190754,00 | Number | 2017 |
Voter turnout Bundestag | 74 | Number | 2017 |
Votes valid Bundestag | 138.343 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU | 46.885 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag SPD | 33.964 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag GRÜNE | 9.342 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag FDP | 13.230 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE | 9.119 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag AfD | 19.258 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag other parties | 6.545 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag total | 138.343 | Number | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU | 25% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag SPD | 18% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag GRÜNE | 5% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag FDP | 7% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE | 5% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag AfD | 10% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag other parties | 3% | Percentage | 2017 |
Employment | Value | Unit | Year |
Employees | 99.005 | Number | 2019 |
Employees male | 55.204 | Number | 2019 |
Employees female | 43.801 | Number | 2019 |
Employees foreigner | 9.387 | Number | 2019 |
Employees male foreigner | 6.374 | Number | 2019 |
Employees female foreigner | 3.013 | Number | 2019 |
Unemployed | 6.975 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed foreigners | 2.293 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed severely disabled | 714 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed 15-20 | 141 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed 15-25 | 678 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed 55-65 | 1.584 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed long-term | 2.873 | Number | 2018 |
% Unemployed | 3% | Percentage | 2018 |
% Unemployed foreigners | 1% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed severely disabled | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed 15-20 | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed 15-25 | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed 55-65 | 1% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed long-term | 1% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
Income | Value | Unit | Year |
Income receivers | 121.507 | Number | 2015 |
Income total | €4.563.153 | Euro | 2015 |
Income tax | €767.838 | Euro | 2015 |
Population | Value | Unit | Year |
Population | 253.777 | Number | 2019 |
Men | 125.090 | Number | 2019 |
Women | 128.687 | Number | 2019 |
% Men | 49% | Percentage | 2019 |
% Women | 51% | Percentage | 2019 |
0-18 | 42.049 | Number | 2019 |
18-30 | 34.133 | Number | 2019 |
30-45 | 43.855 | Number | 2019 |
45-60 | 60.140 | Number | 2019 |
18-60 | 138.128 | Number | 2019 |
60-75 | 44.253 | Number | 2019 |
60+ | 73.600 | Number | 2019 |
Average age | 45 | Average number | 2019 |
Average age male | 44 | Average number | 2019 |
Average age female | 46 | Average number | 2019 |
Births | 2.333 | Number | 2018 |
Births male | 1.193 | Number | 2018 |
Births female | 1.140 | Number | 2018 |
1K Births | 9 | Number per 1000 inhabitants | 2018 |
Deaths | 3.126 | Number | 2018 |
Deaths male | 1.521 | Number | 2018 |
Deaths female | 1.605 | Number | 2018 |
1K Deaths | 12 | Number | 2018 |
0-3 | 7.075 | Number | 2019 |
Girls 0-3 | 3.466 | Number | 2019 |
Boys 0-3 | 3.609 | Number | 2019 |
3-6 | 6.783 | Number | 2019 |
Girls 3-6 | 3.311 | Number | 2019 |
Boys 3-6 | 3.472 | Number | 2019 |
6-10 | 8.990 | Number | 2019 |
10-15 | 11.693 | Number | 2019 |
15-18 | 7.508 | Number | 2019 |
18-20 | 5.442 | Number | 2019 |
20-25 | 13.992 | Number | 2019 |
25-30 | 14.699 | Number | 2019 |
30-35 | 14.661 | Number | 2019 |
35-40 | 14.751 | Number | 2019 |
40-45 | 14.443 | Number | 2019 |
45-50 | 17.265 | Number | 2019 |
50-55 | 21.888 | Number | 2019 |
55-60 | 20.987 | Number | 2019 |
60-65 | 17.554 | Number | 2019 |
65-75 | 26.699 | Number | 2019 |
Women 65-70 | 13.992 | Number | 2019 |
Men 65-70 | 12.707 | Number | 2019 |
75+ | 29.347 | Number | 2019 |
Women 75+ | 17.398 | Number | 2019 |
Men 75+ | 11.949 | Number | 2019 |
% 0-10 | 9% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 10-18 | 8% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 18-30 | 13% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 30-45 | 17% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 45-60 | 24% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 60+ | 29% | Percentage | 2019 |
Real estate | Value | Unit | Year |
Property tax A revenue | €535.927 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax B revenue | €36.135.868 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax actual revenue | €143.127.381 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax A basic amount | €148.746 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax B basic amount | €8.191.614 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax basic amount | €38.531.547 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax A rate | €360 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax B rate | €441 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax rate | €371 | Euro | 2018 |
Real tax raising force | €194.115.331 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax levy | €26.317.051 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax net | €116.810.330 | Euro | 2018 |
Community share in income tax | €127.026.653 | Euro | 2018 |
Community share in sales tax | €20.218.310 | Euro | 2018 |
Tax revenue | €315.043.243 | Euro | 2018 |
Regional | Value | Unit | Year |
Region code | 06532 | Code | 2019 |
Region code 8 digits | 06532 | Code | 06532 |
Sorting code | 065320000000 | Code | 065320000000 |
Sorting code 8 digits | 06532000 | Code | 06532000 |
Region name | Lahn-Dill-Kreis | Name | 2019 |
Regional level | 4 | Categorical type | 2019 |
Region type | District | Categorical type | 2019 |
Region type detail | rural district | Categorical type | 2019 |
Region name with type | rural district Lahn-Dill-Kreis | Name | 2019 |
Region name in German | Lahn-Dill-Kreis | Name | 2019 |
Direct subregions | 23 | Number | 2019 |
NUTS code | DE722 | Code | 2019 |
Area | 1.066 | Area in km² | 2019 |
Religion | Value | Unit | Year |
Roman Catholic church | 36.995 | Number | 2011 |
Protestant church | 138.177 | Number | 2011 |
Other or none | 78.269 | Number | 2011 |
% Roman Catholic church | 15% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Protestant church | 55% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Other or none | 31% | Percentage | 2011 |
Roman Catholic church German | 33.687 | Number | 2011 |
Protestant church German | 137.510 | Number | 2011 |
Other or none German | 63.919 | Number | 2011 |
% Roman Catholic church German | 14% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Protestant church German | 58% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Other or none German Foreign | 27% | Percentage | 2011 |
Roman Catholic church Foreign | 3.308 | Number | 2011 |
Protestant church Foreign | 667 | Number | 2011 |
Other or none Foreign | 14.350 | Number | 2011 |
% Roman Catholic church Foreign | 18% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Protestant church Foreign | 4% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Other or none Foreign | 78% | Percentage | 2011 |
Data is used from multiple German open data providers. See this description of the sources with the definitions of all regional topics.
Sources & definitionsThis page will be further expanded with more topics in clear graphs. This will be done in several iterations in the coming weeks.