Information about the municipality Etzbach:

Population numbers per year
The number of inhabitants in the municipality Etzbach

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Population numbers in the municipality Etzbach for the years 2009 thru 2019.

The number of inhabitants is the number of persons as registered in the population register on January 1st.

Population at the map of Etzbach
Map of Rural district Altenkirchen (Westerwald) with the population per municipality.Municipality Etzbach is highlighted with a red edge.. This page shows a lot of information about residents (such as the distribution by age groups, family composition, gender, native or German with an immigration background, ...), homes (numbers, types, price development, use, type of property, ...) and more (car ownership, energy consumption, ...) based on open data from the German Federal Agency for Cartography, the Federal Statistical Office (DESTATIS), the Regional Statistical Offices and various other sources!

Map of Rural district Altenkirchen (Westerwald) with the population per municipality.Municipality Etzbach is highlighted with a red edge. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Friesenhagen, 2: municipality Harbach, 3: municipality Niederfischbach, 4: municipality Mudersbach, 5: municipality Birken-Honigsessen ...Show more... Map of Rural district Altenkirchen (Westerwald) with the population per municipality.Municipality Etzbach is highlighted with a red edge. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Friesenhagen, 2: municipality Harbach, 3: municipality Niederfischbach, 4: municipality Mudersbach, 5: municipality Birken-Honigsessen, 6: municipality Katzwinkel (Sieg), 7: municipality city Kirchen (Sieg), 8: municipality Brachbach, 9: municipality Forst, 10: municipality Wallmenroth, 11: municipality Hövels, 12: municipality Bitzen, 13: municipality Mittelhof, 14: municipality Scheuerfeld, 15: municipality city Betzdorf, 16: municipality Fürthen, 17: municipality city Wissen, 18: municipality city Herdorf, 19: municipality Grünebach, 20: municipality Etzbach, 21: municipality Alsdorf, 22: municipality Hamm (Sieg), 23: municipality Pracht, 24: municipality Roth, 25: municipality Steineroth, 26: municipality Niederirsen, 27: municipality Elben, 28: municipality Schutzbach, 29: municipality Molzhain, 30: municipality Breitscheidt, 31: municipality Seelbach bei Hamm (Sieg), 32: municipality Selbach (Sieg), 33: municipality Bruchertseifen, 34: municipality Niederdreisbach, 35: municipality Gebhardshain, 36: municipality Birkenbeul, 37: municipality Kausen, 38: municipality city Daaden, 39: municipality Fensdorf, 40: municipality Helmeroth, 41: municipality Ölsen, 42: municipality Hilgenroth, 43: municipality Racksen, 44: municipality Dickendorf, 45: municipality Steinebach/Sieg, 46: municipality Werkhausen, 47: municipality Isert, 48: municipality Oberirsen, 49: municipality Elkenroth, 50: municipality Volkerzen, 51: municipality Weitefeld, 52: municipality Heupelzen, 53: municipality Busenhausen, 54: municipality Idelberg, 55: municipality Obererbach (Westerwald), 56: municipality Bachenberg, 57: municipality Hasselbach, 58: municipality Eichelhardt, 59: municipality Malberg, 60: municipality Emmerzhausen, 61: municipality Mauden, 62: municipality Rosenheim (Landkreis Altenkirchen), 63: municipality Wölmersen, 64: municipality Rettersen, 65: municipality Friedewald, 66: municipality Kettenhausen, 67: municipality Weyerbusch, 68: municipality Birnbach, 69: municipality Kircheib, 70: municipality Derschen, 71: municipality Mammelzen, 72: municipality Forstmehren, 73: municipality Fiersbach, 74: municipality Sörth, 75: municipality Helmenzen, 76: municipality Nauroth, 77: municipality Ersfeld, 78: municipality Kraam, 79: municipality Hemmelzen, 80: municipality city Altenkirchen (Westerwald), 81: municipality Nisterberg, 82: municipality Hirz-Maulsbach, 83: municipality Ingelbach, 84: municipality Walterschen, 85: municipality Mehren, 86: municipality Michelbach (Westerwald), 87: municipality Giershausen, 88: municipality Ziegenhain, 89: municipality Almersbach, 90: municipality Neitersen, 91: municipality Schürdt, 92: municipality Orfgen, 93: municipality Gieleroth, 94: municipality Obernau, 95: municipality Fluterschen, 96: municipality Schöneberg, 97: municipality Kescheid, 98: municipality Oberwambach, 99: municipality Berzhausen, 100: municipality Reiferscheid, 101: municipality Stürzelbach, 102: municipality Flammersfeld, 103: municipality Seelbach (Westerwald), 104: municipality Berod bei Hachenburg, 105: municipality Eichen, 106: municipality Rott, 107: municipality Seifen, 108: municipality Oberlahr, 109: municipality Burglahr, 110: municipality Bürdenbach, 111: municipality Peterslahr, 112: municipality Güllesheim, 113: municipality Eulenberg, 114: municipality Niedersteinebach, 115: municipality Pleckhausen, 116: municipality Obersteinebach, 117: municipality Horhausen (Westerwald), 118: municipality Krunkel, 119: municipality Willroth ...Show less...

Population per age group
The percentage of inhabitants per age group in the municipality Etzbach

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Municipality Etzbach, 2019, age groups.

Population, age groups: percentage of inhabitants per age category.

The number of rooms per house (dwelling)
The number of rooms of the houses in the municipality Etzbach

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Municipality Etzbach, 2019, number of rooms per house.

The percentage shows the relative share of houses per category based on the numer of rooms: 1 to 2 rooms, 3 to 4 rooms or 5 rooms or more. This is based on the total number of rooms as identified for all dwellings in the municipality Etzbach.

Data about more than 100 topics!

The table below shows data for more than 100 topics as most recently available for the municipality Etzbach. Select a category to display the related topics:

Businessesno dataNumber2015
Active personsno dataNumber2015
Gross wagesno dataEuro2015
Houses 1 room2Number2019
Houses 2 rooms11Number2019
Houses 3 rooms50Number2019
Houses 4 rooms137Number2019
Houses 5 rooms101Number2019
Houses 6 rooms80Number2019
Houses 7+ rooms 148Number2019
Houses 1-2 rooms13Number2019
Houses 3-4 rooms187Number2019
Houses 5+ rooms329Number2019
1-2 rooms2%Percentage2019
3-4 rooms35%Percentage2019
5+ rooms62%Percentage2019
Voters Bundestag958,00Number2017
Voter turnout Bundestag66Number2017
Votes valid Bundestag507Number2017
Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU171Number2017
Votes Bundestag SPD135Number2017
Votes Bundestag GRÜNE24Number2017
Votes Bundestag FDP34Number2017
Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE34Number2017
Votes Bundestag AfD98Number2017
Votes Bundestag other parties11Number2017
Votes Bundestag total507Number2017
% Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU18%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag SPD14%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag GRÜNE3%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag FDP4%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE4%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag AfD10%Percentage2017
% Votes Bundestag other parties1%Percentage2017
Employees male313Number2019
Employees female200Number2019
Employees foreigner15Number2019
Employees male foreigner0Number2019
Employees female foreigner0Number2019
Unemployed foreigners1Number2018
Unemployed severely disabled2Number2018
Unemployed 15-200Number2018
Unemployed 15-252Number2018
Unemployed 55-654Number2018
Unemployed long-term9Number2018
% Unemployed2%Percentage2018
% Unemployed foreigners0%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed severely disabled0%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 15-200%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 15-250%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed 55-650%Percentage of the population2018
% Unemployed long-term1%Percentage of the population2018
Income receivers575Number2015
Income total€17.722Euro2015
Income tax€2.362Euro2015
% Men53%Percentage2019
% Women47%Percentage2019
Average age39Average number2019
Average age male38Average number2019
Average age female40Average number2019
Births male11Number2018
Births female10Number2018
1K Births16Number per 1000 inhabitants2018
Deaths male5Number2018
Deaths female7Number2018
1K Deaths9Number2018
Girls 0-325Number2019
Boys 0-333Number2019
Girls 3-614Number2019
Boys 3-629Number2019
Women 65-7051Number2019
Men 65-7059Number2019
Women 75+54Number2019
Men 75+48Number2019
% 0-1013%Percentage2019
% 10-1812%Percentage2019
% 18-3015%Percentage2019
% 30-4518%Percentage2019
% 45-6022%Percentage2019
% 60+21%Percentage2019
Real estateValueUnitYear
Property tax A revenue€851Euro2018
Property tax B revenue€150.059Euro2018
Trade tax actual revenue€404.067Euro2018
Property tax A basic amount€284Euro2018
Property tax B basic amount€40.556Euro2018
Trade tax basic amount€106.333Euro2018
Property tax A rate€300Euro2018
Property tax B rate€370Euro2018
Trade tax rate€380Euro2018
Real tax raising force€620.044Euro2018
Trade tax levy€72.626Euro2018
Trade tax net€331.441Euro2018
Community share in income tax€381.664Euro2018
Community share in sales tax€45.697Euro2018
Tax revenue€974.779Euro2018
Region code071325006028Code2019
Region code 8 digits07132028Code07132028
Sorting code071325006028Code071325006028
Sorting code 8 digits07132028Code07132028
Region nameEtzbachName2019
Regional level6Categorical type2019
Region typeMunicipalityCategorical type2019
Region type detailmunicipalityCategorical type2019
Region name with typemunicipality EtzbachName2019
Region name in GermanGemeinde EtzbachName2019
Direct subregionsno dataNumber2019
NUTS codeDEB13Code2019
Area3Area in km²2019
Roman Catholic church297Number2011
Protestant church443Number2011
Other or none519Number2011
% Roman Catholic church24%Percentage2011
% Protestant church35%Percentage2011
% Other or none41%Percentage2011
Roman Catholic church German282Number2011
Protestant church German437Number2011
Other or none German494Number2011
% Roman Catholic church German23%Percentage2011
% Protestant church German36%Percentage2011
% Other or none German Foreign41%Percentage2011
Roman Catholic church Foreign15Number2011
Protestant church Foreign6Number2011
Other or none Foreign25Number2011
% Roman Catholic church Foreign33%Percentage2011
% Protestant church Foreign13%Percentage2011
% Other or none Foreign54%Percentage2011
Open data sources used

Data is used from multiple German open data providers. See this description of the sources with the definitions of all regional topics.

Sources & definitions
Under development
Work is in progress to add more information to this page

This page will be further expanded with more topics in clear graphs. This will be done in several iterations in the coming weeks.