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Population numbers in the municipality Osterhorn for the years 2009 thru 2019.
The number of inhabitants is the number of persons as registered in the population register on January 1st.
Map of District Pinneberg with the population per municipality.Municipality Osterhorn is highlighted with a red edge. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Heligoland, 2: municipality Osterhorn, 3: municipality Bokel, 4: municipality Westerhorn, 5: municipality Brande-Hörnerkirchen ...Show more... Map of District Pinneberg with the population per municipality.Municipality Osterhorn is highlighted with a red edge. The numbers at the map represent the following municipalities: 1: municipality Heligoland, 2: municipality Osterhorn, 3: municipality Bokel, 4: municipality Westerhorn, 5: municipality Brande-Hörnerkirchen, 6: municipality Lutzhorn, 7: municipality Groß Offenseth-Aspern, 8: municipality Klein Offenseth-Sparrieshoop, 9: municipality Langeln, 10: municipality city Barmstedt, 11: municipality Heede, 12: municipality Bokholt-Hanredder, 13: municipality Bullenkuhlen, 14: municipality Bilsen, 15: municipality Hemdingen, 16: municipality Kölln-Reisiek, 17: municipality Bevern, 18: municipality city Elmshorn, 19: municipality Raa-Besenbek, 20: municipality Seeth-Ekholt, 21: municipality city Quickborn, 22: municipality Ellerhoop, 23: municipality Klein Nordende, 24: municipality Seester, 25: municipality Heidgraben, 26: municipality Borstel-Hohenraden, 27: municipality city Tornesch, 28: municipality Kummerfeld, 29: municipality Groß Nordende, 30: municipality Hasloh, 31: municipality Seestermühe, 32: municipality city Uetersen, 33: municipality Tangstedt, 34: municipality Neuendeich, 35: municipality Prisdorf, 36: municipality Bönningstedt, 37: municipality Moorrege, 38: municipality Ellerbek, 39: municipality Haselau, 40: municipality Appen, 41: municipality city Pinneberg, 42: municipality Rellingen, 43: municipality Heist, 44: municipality Haseldorf, 45: municipality Halstenbek, 46: municipality Holm, 47: municipality Hetlingen, 48: municipality city Schenefeld, 49: municipality city Wedel ...Show less...
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Municipality Osterhorn, 2019, number of rooms per house.
The percentage shows the relative share of houses per category based on the numer of rooms: 1 to 2 rooms, 3 to 4 rooms or 5 rooms or more. This is based on the total number of rooms as identified for all dwellings in the municipality Osterhorn.
The table below shows data for more than 100 topics as most recently available for the municipality Osterhorn. Select a category to display the related topics:
Business | Value | Unit | Year |
Businesses | no data | Number | 2015 |
Active persons | no data | Number | 2015 |
Gross wages | no data | Euro | 2015 |
Dwellings | Value | Unit | Year |
Houses 1 room | 8 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 2 rooms | 15 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 3 rooms | 21 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 4 rooms | 47 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 5 rooms | 45 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 6 rooms | 34 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 7+ rooms | 25 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 1-2 rooms | 23 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 3-4 rooms | 68 | Number | 2019 |
Houses 5+ rooms | 104 | Number | 2019 |
1-2 rooms | 12% | Percentage | 2019 |
3-4 rooms | 35% | Percentage | 2019 |
5+ rooms | 53% | Percentage | 2019 |
Elections | Value | Unit | Year |
Voters Bundestag | 305,00 | Number | 2017 |
Voter turnout Bundestag | 60 | Number | 2017 |
Votes valid Bundestag | 182 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU | 72 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag SPD | 21 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag GRÜNE | 11 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag FDP | 32 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE | 8 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag AfD | 29 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag other parties | 9 | Number | 2017 |
Votes Bundestag total | 182 | Number | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag CDU/CSU | 24% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag SPD | 7% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag GRÜNE | 4% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag FDP | 10% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag DIE LINKE | 3% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag AfD | 10% | Percentage | 2017 |
% Votes Bundestag other parties | 3% | Percentage | 2017 |
Employment | Value | Unit | Year |
Employees | 195 | Number | 2019 |
Employees male | 111 | Number | 2019 |
Employees female | 84 | Number | 2019 |
Employees foreigner | 23 | Number | 2019 |
Employees male foreigner | 14 | Number | 2019 |
Employees female foreigner | 9 | Number | 2019 |
Unemployed | 4 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed foreigners | 1 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed severely disabled | 0 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed 15-20 | 0 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed 15-25 | 1 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed 55-65 | 1 | Number | 2018 |
Unemployed long-term | 3 | Number | 2018 |
% Unemployed | 1% | Percentage | 2018 |
% Unemployed foreigners | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed severely disabled | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed 15-20 | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed 15-25 | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed 55-65 | 0% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
% Unemployed long-term | 1% | Percentage of the population | 2018 |
Income | Value | Unit | Year |
Income receivers | 229 | Number | 2015 |
Income total | €7.712 | Euro | 2015 |
Income tax | €1.144 | Euro | 2015 |
Population | Value | Unit | Year |
Population | 418 | Number | 2019 |
Men | 210 | Number | 2019 |
Women | 208 | Number | 2019 |
% Men | 50% | Percentage | 2019 |
% Women | 50% | Percentage | 2019 |
0-18 | 73 | Number | 2019 |
18-30 | 60 | Number | 2019 |
30-45 | 85 | Number | 2019 |
45-60 | 100 | Number | 2019 |
18-60 | 245 | Number | 2019 |
60-75 | 59 | Number | 2019 |
60+ | 100 | Number | 2019 |
Average age | 43 | Average number | 2019 |
Average age male | 43 | Average number | 2019 |
Average age female | 44 | Average number | 2019 |
Births | 1 | Number | 2018 |
Births male | 0 | Number | 2018 |
Births female | 1 | Number | 2018 |
1K Births | 2 | Number per 1000 inhabitants | 2018 |
Deaths | 3 | Number | 2018 |
Deaths male | 2 | Number | 2018 |
Deaths female | 1 | Number | 2018 |
1K Deaths | 7 | Number | 2018 |
0-3 | 6 | Number | 2019 |
Girls 0-3 | 2 | Number | 2019 |
Boys 0-3 | 4 | Number | 2019 |
3-6 | 9 | Number | 2019 |
Girls 3-6 | 6 | Number | 2019 |
Boys 3-6 | 3 | Number | 2019 |
6-10 | 16 | Number | 2019 |
10-15 | 22 | Number | 2019 |
15-18 | 20 | Number | 2019 |
18-20 | 11 | Number | 2019 |
20-25 | 33 | Number | 2019 |
25-30 | 16 | Number | 2019 |
30-35 | 18 | Number | 2019 |
35-40 | 32 | Number | 2019 |
40-45 | 35 | Number | 2019 |
45-50 | 32 | Number | 2019 |
50-55 | 43 | Number | 2019 |
55-60 | 25 | Number | 2019 |
60-65 | 24 | Number | 2019 |
65-75 | 35 | Number | 2019 |
Women 65-70 | 21 | Number | 2019 |
Men 65-70 | 14 | Number | 2019 |
75+ | 41 | Number | 2019 |
Women 75+ | 21 | Number | 2019 |
Men 75+ | 20 | Number | 2019 |
% 0-10 | 7% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 10-18 | 10% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 18-30 | 14% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 30-45 | 20% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 45-60 | 24% | Percentage | 2019 |
% 60+ | 24% | Percentage | 2019 |
Real estate | Value | Unit | Year |
Property tax A revenue | €12.187 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax B revenue | €57.310 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax actual revenue | €89.069 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax A basic amount | €3.294 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax B basic amount | €14.695 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax basic amount | €24.073 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax A rate | €370 | Euro | 2018 |
Property tax B rate | €390 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax rate | €370 | Euro | 2018 |
Real tax raising force | €177.370 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax levy | €16.439 | Euro | 2018 |
Trade tax net | €72.630 | Euro | 2018 |
Community share in income tax | €185.122 | Euro | 2018 |
Community share in sales tax | €29.654 | Euro | 2018 |
Tax revenue | €375.707 | Euro | 2018 |
Regional | Value | Unit | Year |
Region code | 010565636038 | Code | 2019 |
Region code 8 digits | 01056038 | Code | 01056038 |
Sorting code | 010565636038 | Code | 010565636038 |
Sorting code 8 digits | 01056038 | Code | 01056038 |
Region name | Osterhorn | Name | 2019 |
Regional level | 6 | Categorical type | 2019 |
Region type | Municipality | Categorical type | 2019 |
Region type detail | municipality | Categorical type | 2019 |
Region name with type | municipality Osterhorn | Name | 2019 |
Region name in German | Gemeinde Osterhorn | Name | 2019 |
Direct subregions | no data | Number | 2019 |
NUTS code | DEF09 | Code | 2019 |
Area | 6 | Area in km² | 2019 |
Religion | Value | Unit | Year |
Roman Catholic church | 12 | Number | 2011 |
Protestant church | 199 | Number | 2011 |
Other or none | 187 | Number | 2011 |
% Roman Catholic church | 3% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Protestant church | 50% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Other or none | 47% | Percentage | 2011 |
Roman Catholic church German | 6 | Number | 2011 |
Protestant church German | 199 | Number | 2011 |
Other or none German | 154 | Number | 2011 |
% Roman Catholic church German | 2% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Protestant church German | 55% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Other or none German Foreign | 43% | Percentage | 2011 |
Roman Catholic church Foreign | 6 | Number | 2011 |
Protestant church Foreign | 0 | Number | 2011 |
Other or none Foreign | 33 | Number | 2011 |
% Roman Catholic church Foreign | 15% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Protestant church Foreign | 0% | Percentage | 2011 |
% Other or none Foreign | 85% | Percentage | 2011 |
Data is used from multiple German open data providers. See this description of the sources with the definitions of all regional topics.
Sources & definitionsThis page will be further expanded with more topics in clear graphs. This will be done in several iterations in the coming weeks.