Boroughs and neighbourhoods in the municipality of Dinkelland

Boroughs and neighbourhoods in the municipality of Dinkelland

Overview of the 58 neighbourhoods and boroughs in the municipality of Dinkelland. View the data about more than 250 topics per region!
Overview of the 58 neighbourhoods and boroughs in the municipality of Dinkelland. View the data about more than 250 topics per region!
Regional statistics for the municipality of Dinkelland
Table with the boroughs and neighbourhoods in the municipality of Dinkelland. Click on the name of a region to view the page with all statistics for that region.
Region nameType of regionAddressesInhabitantsAverage home valueSort code
Veldkamp en BorchertNeighbourhood9251,795€303,00017741014
’t PierikNeighbourhood314985€408,00017741020
Remerink en Denekamp OostNeighbourhood208585€448,00017741021
Buitengebied DenekampNeighbourhood248635€558,00017741099
Lattrop kernNeighbourhood179390€339,00017741110
Verspreide huizen BreklenkampNeighbourhood68175€490,00017741198
Verspreide huizen LattropNeighbourhood273390€504,00017741199
Tilligte kernNeighbourhood213440€352,00017741210
Verspreide huizen TilligteNeighbourhood151315€480,00017741299
Verspreide huizen Groot AgeloNeighbourhood145400€571,00017741398
Verspreide huizen Klein AgeloNeighbourhood73220€615,00017741399
Noord DeurningenBorough6251,230€311,00017741400
Noord Deurningen kernNeighbourhood195485€359,00017741410
Verspreide huizen Noord DeurningenNeighbourhood430745€289,00017741499
Ootmarsum KernNeighbourhood302255€291,00017741510
Ootmarsum RandkernNeighbourhood455720€289,00017741511
Villapark StobbenkampNeighbourhood217420€478,00017741512
Cellenkamp PalthenkampNeighbourhood5411,120€315,00017741513
De MorsNeighbourhood212165€429,00017741550
Verspreide huizen Ootmarsum-OostNeighbourhood61017741598
Verspreide huizen Ootmarsum-WestNeighbourhood78110€447,00017741599
Weerselo kernNeighbourhood352710€316,00017741610
’t StiftNeighbourhood3255€352,00017741613
’t SpikkertNeighbourhood93150€479,00017741614
Verspreide huizen WeerseloNeighbourhood374820€493,00017741699
Rossum kernNeighbourhood5821,395€370,00017741710
Verspreide huizen RossumNeighbourhood420950€510,00017741799
Saasveld kernNeighbourhood289665€419,00017741810
Verspreide huizen SaasveldNeighbourhood4301,040€527,00017741899
Deurningen kernNeighbourhood5491,245€385,00017741910
Verspreide huizen DeurningenNeighbourhood334760€482,00017741999
Verspreide huizen NutterNeighbourhood80170€496,00017742099
Oud OotmarsumBorough148320€558,00017742100
Verspreide huizen Oud OotmarsumNeighbourhood148320€558,00017742199

The table above shows the the municipality of Dinkelland and the boroughs and neighbourhoods within the municipality. Click on the name of the municipality, borough or neighbourhood to view the page with more than 250 topics for that area.

The table above contains 59 entries. One for the municipality and 58 for the boroughs and neighbourhoods in the municipality of Dinkelland. The statistical data providers in the Netherlands use municipalities, boroughs and neighbourhoods as levels in the regional hierarchy to collect and publish statistics. The municipality is divided into one or more boroughs and each borough is divided in one or more neighbourhoods. The data for neighbourhoods adds up to the data for boroughs, and the boroughs add up to the data per municipality in The Netherlands.

Table usage:

  • Search the table by filtering the rows with the search field at the top right of the table.
  • Sort the table by clicking on the column titles.
  • Click on the links for each region name and view the separate page with information for that region.
  • On small screens: Move the table horizontally to see all columns (the 1st column remains fixed in view)
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Download a wealth of information for the municipality the municipality of Dinkelland. With an Excel document with useful worksheets containing data about the postcodes in the municipality the municipality of Dinkelland. Additionally, the download includes other documents with data about the municipality, boroughs, and neighbourhoods, all addresses, election results, health statistics, crime statistics, and much more!

Regional statistics
More than 250 statistical topics in clear charts, maps and tables for each regional level in the Netherlands: the country, provinces, municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods.

Check out the regional statistical about more than 250 topics in clear charts, maps and tables for each regional level in the Netherlands: the country, provinces, municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods! Based on the official data by multiple official providers of data in The Netherlands. Updated monthly with the lastest data.