Statistics borough Rouveen (kern)

Statistics borough Rouveen (kern)

Check out data on over 250 topics about the borough Rouveen (kern) in municipality Staphorst. Explore figures, tables, and charts, complete with clear definitions for each topic. Dive into the data now!
Check out data on over 250 topics about the borough Rouveen (kern) in municipality Staphorst. Explore figures, tables, and charts, complete with clear definitions for each topic. Dive into the data now!

View many more figures and charts for the borough Rouveen (kern) on the Dutch version of this page at

Population per year
The borough Rouveen (kern) has 3.780 inhabitants in 2024.

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The chart above shows the number of inhabitants per year based on data from CBS for the borough Rouveen (kern).

The table below shows the number of inhabitants per year based on data from CBS for the borough Rouveen (kern):

JaarPopulation Borough Rouveen (kern)% difference
20133.090geen data

Het number of inhabitants in the borough Rouveen (kern) has changed with 690 persons from 3.090 persons in 2013 to 3.780 persons in 2024 (that is a change of 22%). The average difference per year over the entire period from 2013 to 2024 was 63 persons (1,86%). The development of the data over time follows a clearly increasing trend: The numbers grow almost every year.

The number of inhabitants is the number of persons as recorded in the population register on the first of January of each year.

Population at the map of the borough Rouveen (kern)
Image of the borough Rouveen (kern) at the map. This image is used as introduction to this page. This page shows a lot of information about the population in the borough Rouveen (kern) (such as the distribution by age groups of the residents, the composition of households, whether inhabitants are natives or Dutch with an immigration background, data about the houses (numbers, types, price development, use, type of property, ...) and more (car ownership, energy consumption, ...) based on open data from the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics and various other sources!

Map of the borough Rouveen (kern) with the population per neighbourhood in 2024. The numbers at the map represent the following neighbourhoods: 1: Rouveen Streek-Noord, 2: Rouveen kern, 3: Rouveen Streek-Zuid


House characteristics
There are 1,246 houses in de wijk Rouveen (kern).
Information about the homes in this region based on open data from the Dutch Central Bureau of Statistics. Overview image with 4 pie charts.

Percentages of home ownership, occupation, type and construction period.

View the explanation for the definitions of the home characteristics.
Definitions of the characteristics of the dwellings in the borough Rouveen (kern):

Houses by ownership:
Homes for sale are owned by the resident (s) or used as a second home. Rental houses are not occupied by the owner of the house. Rental homes are divided into (1) homes owned by a housing association or other institution. And (2) rental properties owned by companies, individuals and investors.
Houses by occupation:
A house is occupied if, according to the Personal Records Database, at least 1 person was registered at the corresponding address. All other homes are considered uninhabited.
Houses by type:
A house is defined as "multi-family" when it forms a whole building together with other houses or (business) spaces. This includes flats, gallery houses, ground floor and upstairs apartments, and apartments and houses above business premises. All other homes are defined as the "single-family" type.
Houses by contruction period:
The year of construction is the year in which a building containing a home was originally delivered. The construction period as used here has two possible values: (1) built in or after the year 2000 and (2) built before the year 2000.
Average house value per year in the borough Rouveen (kern)
The average property value in The borough Rouveen (kern) was €348.000 in 2023.

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The chart above shows the average WOZ property value per year in the borough Rouveen (kern).

The table below shows the average WOZ house value per year based on data from the CBS for the borough Rouveen (kern):

JaarAverage property value Borough Rouveen (kern)% difference
2013€271.000geen data

The average property value in the borough Rouveen (kern) has changed with €77.000 from €271.000 in 2013 to €348.000 in 2023 (that is a change of 28%). The average difference per year over the entire period from 2013 to 2023 was €7.700 (2,68%). The development of the data over time follows a slightly increasing trend: The numbers increase more often than not.

Determination of the real estate value (WOZ value):

Average dwelling value based on the WOZ:
When determining the average dwelling value, only real estate objects are included that are registered as homes (main residence or home with practice space). The (provisional) average home value is determined with the valuation date of the previous year (this is based on the WOZ, the Real Estate Valuation Act).
Energy labels
The most common energy labels in Borough Rouveen (kern) are A (304 addresses) and G (245 addresses).

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The chart above shows the number of addresses per type of energy label in the borough Rouveen (kern). For this purpose, data at address level from the EP-Online system of the RVO was used. EP-Online is the official national database containing energy labels and energy performance indicators of buildings. The data used apply to the situation as per 1 July 2024.

An energy label indicates how energy-efficient a building is. G is the worst energy label, and A+++++ is the best. Energy label A is most common in Borough Rouveen (kern): 304 addresses have energy label A. The download with detailed information for the municipality Staphorst contains the data on energy labels, both per postal code, place of residence, district, and neighbourhood, as well as per address.

Traffic accidents by outcome
There were 42 traffic accidents in total in Borough Rouveen (kern) in 2023.

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The above graph shows the development of the number of traffic accidents in the borough Rouveen (kern). Use the filter above the graph to choose the display of the number of traffic accidents by the outcome of the accident.

The traffic accident dataset BRON is linked to the digital road network. Based on the location of the accidents, it is determined which accidents fall within the borough Rouveen (kern).

Figures on traffic accidents

The data on accidents come from the Registered Accidents Netherlands (BRON) database of Rijkswaterstaat. This dataset contains traffic accident reports from the police linked to the digital road network. The accidents are categorized by the outcome of the accident: solely material damage, accidents with injured victims, and accidents with fatal outcomes. Personal injury is damage that someone has suffered due to physical injuries or psychological problems. Accidents with injured victims include all situations where someone has been hospitalized due to the accident, where first aid has been administered, and all other accidents where someone has been injured.

Police data about crime

The four charts below show the recorded crimes based on data from the police and the CBS for the borough Rouveen (kern). The descriptions of the types of crimes as used by the police can be found in the table with definitions of the different types of crimes (this information is in Dutch). The police data is updated monthly, the most recent update was on 16 December 2024.

Total recorded crime per month or per year
In 2023 a total of 39 crimes were registered in Borough Rouveen (kern).

Heel even geduld alsjeblieft: je apparaat laadt de grafieken van

Total number of registered crimes in the borough Rouveen (kern), from 2012 to 2023 inclusive (when displaying the data per year) or June 2023 to November 2024 (when displaying the data per month).

In the borough Rouveen (kern) a total of 523 crimes have been registered from 2012 to 2023. These crimes are classified into 28 different types of crime. In 2023 the police recorded 39 crimes in the borough Rouveen (kern). Use the filter above the graph to show the data per month or per year.

Crimes by type of crime
The most common types of crimes in Borough Rouveen (kern) in 2023 are Under influence (road) (10 crimes) en Horizontal fraud (7 crimes).

Heel even geduld alsjeblieft: je apparaat laadt de grafieken van

Number of crimes for the ten most common types of crimes, 2023, borough Rouveen (kern).

Crime definitions (Dutch)
Total crime per month
In November 2024 a total of 5 crimes were registered in Borough Rouveen (kern).
Image of a heatmap (a visual representation of data using colors to represent values) showing the total number of crimes in the borough Rouveen (kern) per month and per year.

The heatmap above provides a visual representation of the total number of crimes registered by the police per month in the borough Rouveen (kern) over the past 6 years.

All data is available in the Excel document with police data as part of the download for the municipality of Staphorst.

Crimes per 1,000 inhabitants
There were 4.23 crimes per 1,000 inhabitants of the type ‘verkeersovertredingen’ in 2023 in Borough Rouveen (kern).

Heel even geduld alsjeblieft: je apparaat laadt de grafieken van

Crime: number of crimes per 1,000 inhabitants in 2023 in the borough Rouveen (kern).

The chart shows the latest data on the number of crimes per 1,000 inhabitants for the borough Rouveen (kern). For this purpose, the data on crimes have been grouped into (1) the total number of thefts (all forms, such as theft from homes and sheds, theft of cars and bicycles and shoplifting), (2) violence and sex crimes, (3) environmental violations, (4) fraud, (5) traffic violations, (6) vandalism and crimes against public order and (7) all other crimes.


Births per 1,000 inhabitants
12 babies per 1,000 inhabitants were born in 2023 in Borough Rouveen (kern).

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The chart above shows the development of the number of live babies born per 1,000 inhabitants the borough Rouveen (kern).

De cijfers over de geboortes per 1.000 aantal inwoners zijn berekend door het aantal levendgeborenen van 1 januari tot en met 31 december te delen door het aantal inwoners op 1 januari van het betreffende jaar.

Birth figures

The figures on the relative number of births are based on data from CBS. The basis for this is the number of live births from January 1 to December 31 in relation to the number of inhabitants on January 1 of a year in the borough Rouveen (kern). The relative number of births may be higher than expected based on the population. The relative figure concerns the number of births during the year compared to the number of inhabitants on January 1. In new-build areas, the number of residents can grow significantly in a year. For example, 10 children can be born in 1 year in a neighbourhood in which only 10 inhabitants live on January 1, but at the end of the year, for example, 200 inhabitants.

Deaths per 1,000 inhabitants
6 people per 1,000 inhabitants died in 2023 in Borough Rouveen (kern).

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The graph above shows the development of the number of deaths per 1,000 inhabitants the borough Rouveen (kern).

The figures on mortality per 1,000 inhabitants are based on data from CBS. The relative mortality is determined as the number of deaths from January 1 to December 31, per 1,000 inhabitants on January 1 of the year in question.

More mortality (Dutch)
Data on more than 250 topics!
View the data on all topics in the table below.
Region codeRegionalWK018001Code2024
Region nameRegionalRouveen (kern)Name2024
Region typeRegionalWijkCategorical type2024
Sort codeRegional01800100Code2024
Ages 0 - 15Population990Number2024
Ages 15 - 25Population520Number2024
Ages 25 - 45Population1,020Number2024
Ages 45 - 65Population780Number2024
Ages 65 and upPopulation470Number2024
Not marriedPopulation1,850Number2024
Origin NetherlandsMigration3,605Number2024
Origin outside NetherlandsMigration175Number2024
Origin EuropeMigration50Number2024
Origin outside EuropeMigration125Number2024
Born in NetherlandsMigration3,610Number2024
Born in Netherlands origin EuropeMigration5Number2024
Born in Netherlands origin outside EuropeMigration45Number2024
Born outside Netherlands origin EuropeMigration40Number2024
Born outside Netherlands origin outside EuropeMigration80Number2024
Native DutchMigration3,620Number2022
Western totalMigration50Number2022
Non-western totalMigration80Number2022
Dutch Antilles and ArubaMigration0Number2022
Other non-westernMigration80Number2022
Births totalPopulation45Number2023
Births relativePopulation12Number per 1000 inhabitants2023
Mortality totalPopulation25Number2023
Mortality relativePopulation6Number per 1000 inhabitants2023
Households totalHouseholds1,240Number2024
Single-person householdsHouseholds275Number2024
Households without childrenHouseholds305Number2024
Households with childrenHouseholds655Number2024
Average household sizeHouseholds3.00Average number2024
Population densityRegional491Number per km²2024
Housing stockHouses1,246Number2023
Average house valueHouses€348,000Average number2023
Percentage single-family housesHouses79%Percentage2023
Percentage multi-family housesHouses21%Percentage2023
Percentage inhabitedHouses95%Percentage2023
Percentage uninhabitedHouses5%Percentage2023
Percentage privately owned homesHouses83%Percentage2023
Percentage rented homesHouses17%Percentage2023
Percentage rental-housing by corporationHouses6%Percentage2023
Percentage homes other rentalHouses11%Percentage2023
Ownership unknownHouses0%Percentage2023
Percentage homes built before 2000Houses68%Percentage2023
Percentage homes built since 2000Houses32%Percentage2023
Average electricity usage totalEnergy consumption3,220Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage apartmentEnergy consumption3,200Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage terraced homesEnergy consumption2,570Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage corner homesEnergy consumption2,300Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage semi-detached homesEnergy consumption3,330Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage detached homesEnergy consumption3,610Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage rental homesEnergy consumption2,530Average number per km²2023
Average electricity usage owner-occupied homesEnergy consumption3,370Average number per km²2023
Average natural gas usage totalEnergy consumption1,180Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage apartmentEnergy consumption1,240Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage terraced homesEnergy consumption860Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage corner homesEnergy consumption900Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage semi-detached homesEnergy consumption1,150Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage detached homesEnergy consumption1,350Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage rental homesEnergy consumption1,080Average in kWh2023
Average natural gas usage owner-occupied homesEnergy consumption1,210Average in kWh2023
Percentage homes with district heatingEnergy consumption0%Percentage2014
Education level lowPopulation740Number2022
Education level mediumPopulation1,290Number2022
Education level highPopulation510Number2022
Net labor participationIncome78%Percentage2022
Percentage employeesIncome83%Percentage2022
Percentage self-employedIncome17%Percentage2022
Number of income receiversIncome2,700Number2022
Average income per income recipientIncome€34,500Average number2022
Average income per inhabitantIncome€25,400Average number2022
40 percentile persons with lowest incomeIncome40%Percentage2022
20 percentile persons with highest incomeIncome16%Percentage2022
Active persons 15-75 yearsIncome34%Percentage2021
40 percentile households with lowest incomeIncome22%Percentage2022
20 percentile households with highest incomeIncome28%Percentage2022
Percentage households with a low incomeIncome1.30%Percentage2022
Percentage households at social minimumIncome2.10%Percentage2022
Households up to 110% of the social minimumIncome2.60%Percentage2022
Households up to 120% of the social minimumIncome3.70%Percentage2022
Median capital assets of private householdsIncome€319x 1,000 Euro2022
Persons with social security welfareIncome20Number2023
Persons with social security for incapacity for workIncome60Number2023
Persons with social security for unemployedIncome10Number2023
Persons with social security for elderlyIncome410Number2023
Young people with youth care in kindPopulation70Number2022
Percentage young people with youth carePopulation5%Percentage2022
WMO clientsPopulation85Number2022
WMO clients relativePopulation23Number per 1000 inhabitants2022
Businesses totalBusiness360Number2023
Businesses agriculture, forestry, fishingBusiness50Number2023
Businesses industry and energyBusiness90Number2023
Businesses trade and cateringBusiness70Number2023
Businesses transport, information, communicationBusiness15Number2023
Businesses financial services, real estateBusiness40Number2023
Businesses business servicesBusiness50Number2023
Government, education, careBusiness30Number2023
Businesses culture, recreation, other servicesBusiness20Number2023
Passenger cars totalTransport2,035Number2024
Passenger cars petrolTransport1,675Number2024
Passenger cars other fuelTransport360Number2024
Passenger cars per householdTransport1.64Number2024
Passenger cars per surfaceRegional264Number2024
Surface totalRegional772Number of hectares2024
Surface landRegional770Number of hectares2024
Surface waterRegional2Number of hectares2024
Degree of urbanizationRegional5Indicator 1-52024
Address densityRegional182Average distance in km2024
Addresses totalRegional1,482Number2024
Addresses with postal codeRegional1,481Number2024
Addresses with residential functionRegional1,369Number2024
Addresses with meeting functionRegional14Number2024
Addresses with cell functionRegional0Number2024
Addresses with healthcare functionRegional24Number2024
Addresses with industrial functionRegional116Number2024
Addresses with office functionRegional7Number2024
Addresses with lodging functionRegional4Number2024
Addresses with educational functionRegional3Number2024
Addresses with sports functionRegional1Number2024
Addresses with retail functionRegional17Number2024
Addresses with other usage functionRegional21Number2024
Residential objectsRegional1,479Number2024
Berth locationsRegional0Number2024
Stand locationsRegional3Number2024
Buildings with addressRegional1,281Number2024
Addresses with buildingRegional1,478Number2024
Parcels with addressRegional1,226Number2024
Addresses with parcelRegional1,482Number2024
Addresses within built-up areaRegional1,387Number2024
Addresses outside built-up areaRegional95Number2024
Addresses with residential function within built-up areaRegional1,289Number2024
Addresses with residential function outside built-up areaRegional80Number2024
Buildings before 1700Regional1Number2024
Buildings 1700 to 1900Regional190Number2024
Buildings 1900 to 1925Regional44Number2024
Buildings 1925 to 1950Regional88Number2024
Buildings 1950 to 1970Regional152Number2024
Buildings 1970 to 1980Regional112Number2024
Buildings 1980 to 1990Regional104Number2024
Buildings 1990 to 2000Regional122Number2024
Buildings 2000 to 2010Regional110Number2024
Buildings 2010 to 2020Regional248Number2024
Buildings 2020 and laterRegional110Number2024
Buildings built before 1700Regional1Number2024
Buildings built from 1700 to 1900Regional247Number2024
Buildings built from 1900 to 1925Regional57Number2024
Buildings built from 1925 to 1950Regional116Number2024
Buildings built from 1950 to 1970Regional172Number2024
Buildings built from 1970 to 1980Regional125Number2024
Buildings built from 1980 to 1990Regional108Number2024
Buildings built from 1990 to 2000Regional125Number2024
Buildings built from 2000 to 2010Regional113Number2024
Buildings built from 2010 to 2020Regional277Number2024
Buildings built from 2020 onwardsRegional137Number2024
Undetermined energy labelEnergy consumption449Number2024
Provisional energy labelEnergy consumption543Number2024
Final energy labelsEnergy consumption490Number2024
Energy label A+++++Energy consumption0Number2024
Energy label A++++Energy consumption1Number2024
Energy label A+++Energy consumption17Number2024
Energy label A++Energy consumption0Number2024
Energy label A+Energy consumption9Number2024
Energy label AEnergy consumption304Number2024
Energy label BEnergy consumption151Number2024
Energy label CEnergy consumption143Number2024
Energy label DEnergy consumption63Number2024
Energy label EEnergy consumption24Number2024
Energy label FEnergy consumption76Number2024
Energy label GEnergy consumption245Number2024
Apartment dwelling typeHouses275Number2024
Terraced or linked dwelling typeHouses151Number2024
Corner dwelling typeHouses124Number2024
Semi-detached dwelling typeHouses344Number2024
Detached dwelling typeHouses475Number2024
Different dwelling typeHouses0Number2024
Unknown dwelling typeHouses0Number2024
Not applicable dwelling typeHouses110Number2024
Zipcode areaRegional7954AA-7954XZName2024
Most common zipcodeRegional7954Name2024
Coverage percentage most common zipcodeRegional100%Percentage2024
Crime theftCrime6Number2023
Crime violence and sexual abuseCrime1Number2023
Crime environmentalCrime0Number2023
Crime scamCrime10Number2023
Crime trafficCrime16Number2023
Crime destructionCrime1Number2023
Crime otherCrime5Number2023
Crime totalCrime39Number2023
Traffic accidents deadlyTraffic accidents1Number2023
Traffic accidents injuriesTraffic accidents2Number2023
Traffic accidents only material damageTraffic accidents39Number2023
Traffic accidents totalTraffic accidents42Number2023
Distance to general practitionerProximity1.20Average in Euro2023
General practitioners within 1 kmProximity1Average number2023
General practitioners within 3 kmProximity1Average number2023
General practitioners within 5 kmProximity2Average number2023
Distance to general practitioner postProximity10.60Average in Euro2023
Pharmacy distanceProximity1.20Average in Euro2023
Hospital with outpatient clinic distanceProximity10.00Average in Euro2023
Hospitals with outpatient clinic within 5 kmProximity0Average number2023
Hospitals with outpatient clinic within 10 kmProximity0Average number2023
Hospitals with outpatient clinic within 20 kmProximity2Average number2023
Hospital distanceProximity10.00Average in Euro2023
Hospitals within 5 kmProximity0Average number2023
Hospitals within 10 kmProximity0Average number2023
Hospitals within 20 kmProximity2Average number2023
Large supermarket distanceProximity4.30Average in Euro2023
Large supermarkets within 1 kmProximity0Average number2023
Large supermarkets within 3 kmProximity1Average number2023
Large supermarkets within 5 kmProximity3Average number2023
Other daily groceries distanceProximity1.00Average in Euro2023
Other daily groceries within 1 kmProximity1Average number2023
Other daily groceries within 3 kmProximity3Average number2023
Other daily groceries within 5 kmProximity8Average number2023
Department store distanceProximity4.50Average in Euro2023
Department stores within 5 kmProximity1Average number2023
Department stores within 10 kmProximity2Average number2023
Department stores within 20 kmProximity9Average number2023
Cafe distanceProximity3.00Average in Euro2023
Cafes within 1 kmProximity0Average number2023
Cafes within 3 kmProximity1Average number2023
Cafes within 5 kmProximity2Average number2023
Snack bar distanceProximity1.00Average in Euro2022
Snack bars within 1 kmProximity1Average number2022
Snack bars within 3 kmProximity2Average number2022
Snack bars within 5 kmProximity4Average number2022
Restaurant distanceProximity2.40Average in Euro2023
Restaurants within 1 kmProximity0Average number2023
Restaurants within 3 kmProximity2Average number2023
Restaurants within 5 kmProximity7Average number2023
Hotel distanceProximity3Average number2022
Hotels within 5 kmProximity1.60Average in Euro2022
Hotels within 10 kmProximity4Average number2022
Hotels within 20 kmProximity24Average number2022
Daycare distanceProximity0.90Average in Euro2023
Daycares within 1 kmProximity2Average number2023
Daycares within 3 kmProximity4Average number2023
Daycares within 5 kmProximity6Average number2023
After-school care distanceProximity0.90Average in Euro2023
After-school care within 1 kmProximity1Average number2023
After-school care within 3 kmProximity2Average number2023
After-school care within 5 kmProximity4Average number2023
Primary education distanceProximity1.30Average in Euro2023
Primary education within 1 kmProximity1Average number2023
Primary education within 3 kmProximity3Average number2023
Primary education within 5 kmProximity6Average number2023
Secondary education total distanceProximity4.00Average in Euro2023
Secondary education total within 3 kmProximity0Average number2023
Secondary education total within 5 kmProximity1Average number2023
Secondary education total within 10 kmProximity5Average number2023
Secondary education VMBO distanceProximity4.00Average in Euro2023
Secondary education VMBO within 3 kmProximity0Average number2023
Secondary education VMBO within 5 kmProximity1Average number2023
Secondary education VMBO within 10 kmProximity5Average number2023
Secondary education HAVO VWO distanceProximity9.80Average in Euro2023
Secondary education HAVO VWO within 3 kmProximity0Average number2023
Secondary education HAVO VWO within 5 kmProximity0Average number2023
Secondary education HAVO VWO within 10 kmProximity1Average number2023
Public green space total distanceProximity1.10Average in Euro2017
Park or garden distanceProximity1.40Average in Euro2017
Day recreational area distanceProximity7.50Average in Euro2017
Forest distanceProximity1.90Average in Euro2017
Open natural area total distanceProximity3.40Average in Euro2017
Open dry natural area distanceProximity4.70Average in Euro2017
Open wet natural area distanceProximity3.70Average in Euro2017
Semi-public green space total distanceProximity1.00Average in Euro2017
Sports field distanceProximity1.20Average in Euro2017
Allotment garden distanceProximity4.90Average in Euro2017
Residential recreational area distanceProximity6.10Average in Euro2017
Cemetery distanceProximity1.20Average in Euro2017
Recreational inland water distanceProximity4.40Average in Euro2017
Main road access distanceProximity2.80Average in Euro2023
Train station distanceProximity9.90Average in Euro2023
Major transfer station distanceProximity9.90Average in Euro2023
Library distanceProximity1.20Average in Euro2023
Swimming pool distanceProximity4.00Average in Euro2023
Artificial ice rink distanceProximity45.00Average in Euro2023
Museum distanceProximity4.30Average in Euro2023
Museums within 5 kmProximity1Average number2023
Museums within 10 kmProximity2Average number2023
Museums within 20 kmProximity5Average number2023
Performing arts distanceProximity9.70Average in Euro2023
Performing arts within 5 kmProximity0Average number2023
Performing arts within 10 kmProximity1Average number2023
Performing arts within 20 kmProximity5Average number2023
Pop venue distanceProximity15Average number2023
Cinema distanceProximity10.40Average in Euro2023
Cinemas within 5 kmProximity0Average number2023
Cinemas within 10 kmProximity0Average number2023
Cinemas within 20 kmProximity2Average number2023
Sauna distanceProximity20Average number2023
Tanning salon distanceProximity10Average number2023
Attraction distanceProximity13.70Average in Euro2023
Attractions within 10 kmProximity0Average number2023
Attractions within 20 kmProximity4Average number2023
Attractions within 50 kmProximity31Average number2023
Fire station distanceProximity4Average number2023

Table with more than 250 topics for the borough Rouveen (kern).

The table below shows the latest available data for the borough Rouveen (kern) for over 250 topics! The rows are sorted by category and subject.

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Download all data for all years and all regional levels for The Netherlands as a whole or a specific municipality. Try this example download for free. (The downloads are currently still in Dutch, translation can be prioritised on request.)

Data is used from multiple Dutch open data providers. See this description of the sources with the definitions of all regional topics.

Sources & definitions