Boroughs and neighborhoods in the municipality of Laarbeek

RegionnameRegiontypeZip code#Inhabitants#Addresses#Houses
Beek en DonkBorough57411099055044793
Bedrijventerrein BeekerheideNeighbourhood574117516563
Bedrijventerrein BemmerNeighbourhood574128523099
Verspreide huizen Beek en DonkNeighbourhood57411215491413
Bedrijventerrein TorenakkerNeighbourhood5735554520
Bedrijventerrein DuivenakkerNeighbourhood573510145
Verspreide huizen Laar en StrijpNeighbourhood57351606557
Verspreide huizen HeikantNeighbourhood573533511885
Industrieterrein BavariaNeighbourhood5737209511
Verspreide huizen LieshoutNeighbourhood5737-5738705306266
Verspreide huizen MariahoutNeighbourhood5737-5738940355308
Explanation, table usage and background to the overview of regions for the municipality of Laarbeek:

The table above contains 20 entries. One for the municipality and 19 for the boroughs and neighborhoods in the municipality of Laarbeek. The statistical data providers in the Netherlands use municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods as levels in the regional hierarchy to collect and publish statistics. The municipality is divided into one or more boroughs and each borough is divided in one or more neighborhoods. The data for neighborhoods adds up to the data for boroughs, and the boroughs add up to the data per municipality in The Netherlands.

Table usage:

  • Click on the links for each region name and view the separate page with information for that region.
  • Search the table by filtering the rows with the search field at the top right of the table.
  • Sort the table by clicking on the column titles.
  • Scroll the table horizontally to see all columns (the 1st column remains fixed).
Sources & definitions