Regional statistics: more than 250 topics per area

Regional statistics: more than 250 topics per area

Explore the data about more than 250 statistics for the Netherlands and every province, municipality, borough, and neighborhood! You will find charts, tables, explanations, and links to more information, clearly organized by theme.
Explore the data about more than 250 statistics for the Netherlands and every province, municipality, borough, and neighborhood! You will find charts, tables, explanations, and links to more information, clearly organized by theme.
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Click on the name of a region to open the page for that area. For the Netherlands and its provinces, this will lead to a page with more than 250 statistics. For the municipalities, it will open the overview page of areas per municipality. Tip: also check out the interactive map.

The Netherlands

There are 12 provinces in The Netherlands with a total of 18,045,532 inhabitants and 9,843,892 addresses.

Province Groningen

There are 10 municipalities in Province Groningen with a total of 603,256 inhabitants and 342,248 addresses.

Municipality Eemsdelta

There are 112 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Eemsdelta with a total of 44,813 inhabitants and 27,702 addresses.

Residences: 't Zandt, Appingedam, Bierum, Delfzijl, Farmsum, Garrelsweer, Garsthuizen, Godlinze, Holwierde, Leermens, Loppersum, Meedhuizen, Middelstum, Spijk, Stedum, Termunten, Termunterzijl, Wagenborgen, Westeremden, Wirdum, Woldendorp, Zeerijp, Zijldijk.

Municipality Groningen

There are 172 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Groningen with a total of 244,807 inhabitants and 144,938 addresses.

Residences: Garmerwolde, Glimmen, Groningen, Haren, Harkstede, Meerstad, Noordlaren, Onnen, Ten Boer, Ten Post, Thesinge, Woltersum.

Municipality Het Hogeland

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Het Hogeland with a total of 48,190 inhabitants and 26,933 addresses.

Residences: Adorp, Baflo, Bedum, De Marne, Den Andel, Eemsmond, Eenrum, Hefshuizen, Houwerzijl, Kantens, Kloosterburen, Leens, Noordwolde, Onderdendam, Oudeschip, Pieterburen, Roodeschool, Sauwerd, Uithuizen, Uithuizermeeden, Ulrum, Usquert, Warffum, Warfhuizen, Wehe-den Hoorn, Westernieland, Winsum, Zandeweer, Zoutkamp, Zuidwolde.

Municipality Midden-Groningen

There are 113 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Midden-Groningen with a total of 61,374 inhabitants and 34,111 addresses.

Residences: Foxhol, Froombosch, Harkstede, Hellum, Hoogezand, Hoogezand-Sappemeer, Kiel-Windeweer, Kolham, Kropswolde, Meeden, Menterwolde, Muntendam, Noordbroek, Oosterbroek, Overschild, Sappemeer, Scharmer, Schildwolde, Siddeburen, Slochteren, Tjuchem, Westerbroek, Zuidbroek.

Municipality Oldambt

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oldambt with a total of 39,576 inhabitants and 22,441 addresses.

Residences: Bad Nieuweschans, Beerta, Blauwestad, Drieborg, Finsterwolde, Heiligerlee, Midwolda, Nieuw Beerta, Nieuw Scheemda, Nieuwolda, Oostwold, Reiderland, Scheemda, Westerlee, Winschoten.

Municipality Pekela

There are 8 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Pekela with a total of 12,465 inhabitants and 6,700 addresses.

Residences: Nieuwe Pekela, Oude Pekela.

Municipality Stadskanaal

There are 33 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Stadskanaal with a total of 32,045 inhabitants and 18,044 addresses.

Residences: Alteveer, Mussel, Musselkanaal, Onstwedde, Stadskanaal, Vledderveen.

Municipality Veendam

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Veendam with a total of 27,688 inhabitants and 15,719 addresses.

Residences: Borgercompagnie, Veendam, Wildervank.

Municipality Westerkwartier

There are 99 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Westerkwartier with a total of 64,834 inhabitants and 31,596 addresses.

Residences: Aduard, Boerakker, Briltil, De Wilp, Den Ham, Den Horn, Doezum, Enumatil, Ezinge, Feerwerd, Garnwerd, Grijpskerk, Grootegast, Jonkersvaart, Kommerzijl, Kornhorn, Leek, Lutjegast, Marum, Midwolde, Niebert, Niehove, Niekerk, Niezijl, Noordhorn, Noordwijk, Nuis, Oldehove, Oldekerk, Oostwold, Opende, Pieterzijl, Sebaldeburen, Tolbert, Visvliet, Zevenhuizen, Zuidhorn.

Municipality Westerwolde

There are 70 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Westerwolde with a total of 27,464 inhabitants and 14,064 addresses.

Residences: Bellingwedde, Bellingwolde, Blijham, Bourtange, Sellingen, Ter Apel, Ter Apelkanaal, Veelerveen, Vlagtwedde, Vriescheloo, Wedde.

Province Fryslân

There are 18 municipalities in Province Fryslân with a total of 664,234 inhabitants and 381,529 addresses.

Municipality Achtkarspelen

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Achtkarspelen with a total of 28,197 inhabitants and 14,039 addresses.

Residences: Augustinusga, Boelenslaan, Buitenpost, Drogeham, Gerkesklooster, Harkema, Kootstertille, Stroobos, Surhuisterveen, Surhuizum, Twijzel, Twijzelerheide.

Municipality Ameland

There are 9 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ameland with a total of 3,807 inhabitants and 4,459 addresses.

Residences: Ballum, Buren, Hollum, Nes.

Municipality Dantumadiel

There are 22 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dantumadiel with a total of 19,138 inhabitants and 9,288 addresses.

Residences: Broeksterwâld, Damwâld, Dantumadeel, De Falom, De Westereen, Driezum, Feanwâlden, Rinsumageast, Wâlterswâld.

Municipality De Fryske Marren

There are 122 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality De Fryske Marren with a total of 52,234 inhabitants and 33,367 addresses.

Residences: Bakhuizen, Balk, Bantega, Boarnsterhim, Broek, De Friese Meren, Delfstrahuizen, Echten, Echtenerbrug, Elahuizen, Gaasterlân-Sleat, Goingarijp, Harich, Haskerhorne, Idskenhuizen, Joure, Langweer, Lemmer, Lemsterland, Nijemirdum, Oosterzee, Oudega, Oudehaske, Oudemirdum, Ouwsterhaule, Rohel, Rotsterhaule, Rottum, Scharsterbrug, Sint Nicolaasga, Sintjohannesga, Skarsterlân, Sloten, Sondel, Terherne, Terkaple, Tjerkgaast, Vegelinsoord, Wijckel.

Municipality Harlingen

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Harlingen with a total of 16,210 inhabitants and 10,006 addresses.

Residences: Harlingen, Midlum, Wijnaldum.

Municipality Heerenveen

There are 39 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heerenveen with a total of 51,859 inhabitants and 29,262 addresses.

Residences: Akkrum, Aldeboarn, Boarnsterhim, Bontebok, De Knipe, Gersloot, Haskerdijken, Heerenveen, Hoornsterzwaag, Jubbega, Katlijk, Luinjeberd, Mildam, Nes, Nieuwehorne, Oranjewoud, Oudehorne, Oudeschoot, Terband, Tjalleberd.

Municipality Leeuwarden

There are 154 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Leeuwarden with a total of 129,970 inhabitants and 78,534 addresses.

Residences: Alde Leie, Boarnsterhim, Britsum, Easterlittens, Goutum, Grou, Hempens, Hijum, Hilaard, Jelsum, Jirnsum, Jorwert, Koarnjum, Leeuwarden, Leeuwarderadeel, Lekkum, Littenseradiel, Mantgum, Reduzum, Stiens, Warten, Weidum, Wergea, Wirdum, Wytgaard.

Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân

There are 113 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Noardeast-Fryslân with a total of 45,875 inhabitants and 25,108 addresses.

Residences: Aldwâld, Blije, Brantgum, Burdaard, Burum, De Trieme, Dokkum, Dongeradeel, Eanjum, Easternijtsjerk, Ferwerderadeel, Ferwerderadiel, Ferwert, Hallum, Hantum, Hantumhuzen, Holwert, Ie, Ingwierrum, Kollum, Kollumerland en Nieuwkruisland, Kollumerpomp, Kollumersweach, Ljussens, Marrum, Mitselwier, Moarre, Moddergat, Munnekezijl, Nes, Nijewier, Noardeast-Fryslan, Peazens, Raard, Sweagerbosk, Ternaard, Westergeast, Wierum, Wânswert.

Municipality Ooststellingwerf

There are 73 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ooststellingwerf with a total of 25,924 inhabitants and 14,256 addresses.

Residences: Appelscha, Donkerbroek, Elsloo, Fochteloo, Haule, Haulerwijk, Langedijke, Makkinga, Nijeberkoop, Oldeberkoop, Oosterwolde, Ravenswoud, Waskemeer.

Municipality Opsterland

There are 66 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Opsterland with a total of 30,007 inhabitants and 15,166 addresses.

Residences: Bakkeveen, Beetsterzwaag, Frieschepalen, Gorredijk, Hemrik, Jonkerslân, Langezwaag, Lippenhuizen, Luxwoude, Nij Beets, Siegerswoude, Terwispel, Tijnje, Ureterp, Wijnjewoude.

Municipality Schiermonnikoog

There are 4 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Schiermonnikoog with a total of 968 inhabitants and 1,562 addresses.

Residence: Schiermonnikoog.

Municipality Smallingerland

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Smallingerland with a total of 57,095 inhabitants and 31,497 addresses.

Residences: Boornbergum, De Tike, De Veenhoop, De Wilgen, Drachten, Drachtstercompagnie, Houtigehage, Nijega, Opeinde, Oudega, Rottevalle.

Municipality Súdwest-Fryslân

There are 177 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Súdwest-Fryslân with a total of 90,532 inhabitants and 52,418 addresses.

Residences: Abbega, Arum, Blauwhuis, Boarnsterhim, Boazum, Bolsward, Burgwerd, Easterein, Easterwierrum, Exmorra, Ferwoude, Folsgare, Gaastmeer, Gauw, Goënga, Heeg, Hemelum, Hindeloopen, Hommerts, IJlst, It Heidenskip, Itens, Jutrijp, Kimswerd, Koudum, Kûbaard, Littenseradiel, Lollum, Makkum, Molkwerum, Nijefurd, Nijland, Offingawier, Oosthem, Oppenhuizen, Oudega, Parrega, Pingjum, Raerd, Scharnegoutum, Schettens, Sibrandabuorren, Sneek, Stavoren, Sudwest-Fryslan, Tersoal, Tjerkwerd, Uitwellingerga, Warns, Witmarsum, Wiuwert, Wommels, Wons, Workum, Woudsend, Wymbritseradiel, Wûnseradiel, Ysbrechtum.

Municipality Terschelling

There are 23 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Terschelling with a total of 4,923 inhabitants and 4,886 addresses.

Residences: Formerum, Hoorn, Midsland, West-Terschelling.

Municipality Tytsjerksteradiel

There are 42 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Tytsjerksteradiel with a total of 32,823 inhabitants and 16,959 addresses.

Residences: Aldtsjerk, Burgum, Earnewâld, Eastermar, Garyp, Gytsjerk, Hurdegaryp, Jistrum, Mûnein, Noardburgum, Oentsjerk, Ryptsjerk, Sumar, Suwâld, Tytsjerk, Wyns.

Municipality Vlieland

There are 4 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Vlieland with a total of 1,212 inhabitants and 1,472 addresses.

Residence: Vlieland.

Municipality Waadhoeke

There are 144 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Waadhoeke with a total of 46,865 inhabitants and 25,017 addresses.

Residences: Achlum, Berltsum, Bitgum, Bitgummole, Boksum, Deinum, Dongjum, Dronryp, Franeker, Franekeradeel, Herbaijum, Het Bildt, Hitzum, Ingelum, Littenseradiel, Marsum, Menaam, Menaldumadeel, Menameradiel, Minnertsga, Nij Altoenae, Oosterbierum, Oudebildtzijl, Peins, Ried, Sexbierum, Spannum, St.-Annaparochie, St.-Jacobiparochie, Tzum, Tzummarum, Vrouwenparochie, Westhoek, Winsum, Wjelsryp.

Municipality Weststellingwerf

There are 81 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Weststellingwerf with a total of 26,595 inhabitants and 14,233 addresses.

Residences: Blesdijke, Boijl, De Blesse, De Hoeve, Langelille, Munnekeburen, Nijeholtpade, Noordwolde, Oldeholtpade, Oldelamer, Oldetrijne, Oosterstreek, Scherpenzeel, Sonnega, Steggerda, Ter Idzard, Vinkega, Wolvega, Zandhuizen.

Province Drenthe

There are 12 municipalities in Province Drenthe with a total of 506,612 inhabitants and 278,078 addresses.

Municipality Aa en Hunze

There are 76 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Aa en Hunze with a total of 25,936 inhabitants and 14,337 addresses.

Residences: Anderen, Anloo, Annen, Annerveenschekanaal, Eext, Eexterveen, Ekehaar, Gasselte, Gasselternijveen, Gasselternijveenschemond, Gasteren, Gieten, Gieterveen, Grolloo, Nieuwediep, Nooitgedacht, Papenvoort, Rolde, Schipborg, Schoonloo.

Municipality Assen

There are 120 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Assen with a total of 70,395 inhabitants and 38,868 addresses.

Residences: Assen, Loon.

Municipality Borger-Odoorn

There are 84 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Borger-Odoorn with a total of 26,052 inhabitants and 14,362 addresses.

Residences: 1e Exloërmond, 2e Exloërmond, Borger, Buinen, Buinerveen, Drouwen, Drouwenermond, Drouwenerveen, Ees, Exloo, Klijndijk, Nieuw-Buinen, Odoorn, Odoornerveen, Valthe, Valthermond.

Municipality Coevorden

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Coevorden with a total of 35,868 inhabitants and 20,020 addresses.

Residences: 't Haantje, Aalden, Coevorden, Dalen, Dalerpeel, Dalerveen, De Kiel, Erm, Gees, Geesbrug, Holsloot, Meppen, Noord-Sleen, Oosterhesselen, Schoonoord, Sleen, Stieltjeskanaal, Wachtum, Wezup, Zweeloo, Zwinderen.

Municipality De Wolden

There are 55 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality De Wolden with a total of 24,665 inhabitants and 12,681 addresses.

Residences: Alteveer, Ansen, De Wijk, Drogteropslagen, Echten, Kerkenveld, Koekange, Linde, Ruinen, Ruinerwold, Veeningen, Zuidwolde, de Wijk.

Municipality Emmen

There are 111 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Emmen with a total of 109,698 inhabitants and 60,030 addresses.

Residences: Barger-Compascuum, Emmen, Emmer-Compascuum, Erica, Klazienaveen, Klazienaveen-Noord, Nieuw-Amsterdam, Nieuw-Dordrecht, Nieuw-Schoonebeek, Nieuw-Weerdinge, Roswinkel, Schoonebeek, Veenoord, Weiteveen, Zandpol, Zwartemeer.

Municipality Hoogeveen

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hoogeveen with a total of 56,917 inhabitants and 30,472 addresses.

Residences: Elim, Fluitenberg, Hollandscheveld, Hoogeveen, Nieuweroord, Nieuwlande, Noordscheschut, Pesse, Stuifzand, Tiendeveen.

Municipality Meppel

There are 61 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Meppel with a total of 36,288 inhabitants and 20,107 addresses.

Residences: Meppel, Nijeveen.

Municipality Midden-Drenthe

There are 66 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Midden-Drenthe with a total of 34,021 inhabitants and 18,928 addresses.

Residences: Beilen, Bovensmilde, Drijber, Elp, Hijken, Hoogersmilde, Hooghalen, Mantinge, Middenveld, Nieuw-Balinge, Oranje, Orvelte, Smilde, Spier, Westerbork, Wijster, Witteveen, Zwiggelte.

Municipality Noordenveld

There are 41 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Noordenveld with a total of 31,772 inhabitants and 18,416 addresses.

Residences: Een, Een-West, Langelo, Lieveren, Nietap, Nieuw-Roden, Norg, Peize, Roden, Roderesch, Roderwolde, Steenbergen, Veenhuizen.

Municipality Tynaarlo

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Tynaarlo with a total of 35,013 inhabitants and 18,765 addresses.

Residences: Bunne, De Groeve, De Punt, Donderen, Eelde, Eelderwolde, Midlaren, Paterswolde, Tynaarlo, Vries, Yde, Zeegse, Zeijen, Zuidlaarderveen, Zuidlaren.

Municipality Westerveld

There are 64 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Westerveld with a total of 19,987 inhabitants and 11,092 addresses.

Residences: Boschoord, Darp, Diever, Dwingeloo, Frederiksoord, Havelte, Nijensleek, Uffelte, Vledder, Vledderveen, Wapse, Wapserveen, Wilhelminaoord, Wittelte, Zorgvlied.

Province Overijssel

There are 25 municipalities in Province Overijssel with a total of 1,195,792 inhabitants and 629,950 addresses.

Municipality Almelo

There are 84 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Almelo with a total of 74,752 inhabitants and 40,447 addresses.

Residences: Aadorp, Almelo, Bornerbroek.

Municipality Borne

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Borne with a total of 24,738 inhabitants and 12,023 addresses.

Residences: Borne, Hertme, Zenderen.

Municipality Dalfsen

There are 40 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dalfsen with a total of 30,051 inhabitants and 14,777 addresses.

Residences: Dalfsen, Lemelerveld, Nieuwleusen.

Municipality Deventer

There are 85 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Deventer with a total of 104,301 inhabitants and 55,387 addresses.

Residences: Bathmen, Colmschate, Deventer, Diepenveen, Lettele, Okkenbroek, Schalkhaar.

Municipality Dinkelland

There are 59 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dinkelland with a total of 26,727 inhabitants and 13,080 addresses.

Residences: Agelo, Denekamp, Deurningen, Lattrop-Breklenkamp, Ootmarsum, Oud Ootmarsum, Rossum, Saasveld, Tilligte, Weerselo.

Municipality Enschede

There are 81 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Enschede with a total of 162,337 inhabitants and 90,861 addresses.

Residence: Enschede.

Municipality Haaksbergen

There are 38 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Haaksbergen with a total of 24,223 inhabitants and 12,551 addresses.

Residence: Haaksbergen.

Municipality Hardenberg

There are 104 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hardenberg with a total of 63,423 inhabitants and 32,126 addresses.

Residences: Ane, Avereest, Balkbrug, Bergentheim, Brucht, Bruchterveld, Collendoorn, De Krim, Dedemsvaart, Gramsbergen, Hardenberg, Heemserveen, Hoogenweg, Kloosterhaar, Lutten, Mariënberg, Radewijk, Rheeze, Rheezerveen, Schuinesloot, Sibculo, Slagharen.

Municipality Hellendoorn

There are 49 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hellendoorn with a total of 36,211 inhabitants and 18,200 addresses.

Residences: Daarle, Daarlerveen, Haarle, Hellendoorn, Nijverdal.

Municipality Hengelo

There are 73 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hengelo with a total of 83,644 inhabitants and 48,996 addresses.

Residence: Hengelo.

Municipality Hof van Twente

There are 59 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hof van Twente with a total of 35,669 inhabitants and 19,054 addresses.

Residences: Ambt Delden, Bentelo, Delden, Diepenheim, Goor, Hengevelde, Markelo, Stad Delden.

Municipality Kampen

There are 46 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Kampen with a total of 56,541 inhabitants and 28,563 addresses.

Residences: 's-Heerenbroek, Grafhorst, IJsselmuiden, Kampen, Kamperveen, Wilsum, Zalk.

Municipality Losser

There are 19 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Losser with a total of 23,467 inhabitants and 11,560 addresses.

Residences: Beuningen, Glane, Losser, Overdinkel, de Lutte.

Municipality Oldenzaal

There are 29 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oldenzaal with a total of 32,021 inhabitants and 17,443 addresses.

Residences: Deurningen, Oldenzaal.

Municipality Olst-Wijhe

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Olst-Wijhe with a total of 19,001 inhabitants and 9,499 addresses.

Residences: Olst, Welsum, Wesepe, Wijhe.

Municipality Ommen

There are 58 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ommen with a total of 19,249 inhabitants and 11,014 addresses.

Residences: Arriën, Beerzerveld, Dalmsholte, Giethmen, Lemele, Ommen, Stegeren, Vilsteren, Vinkenbuurt, Witharen.

Municipality Raalte

There are 48 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Raalte with a total of 38,616 inhabitants and 19,357 addresses.

Residences: Broekland, Heeten, Heino, Laag Zuthem, Lierderholthuis, Luttenberg, Mariënheem, Nieuw Heeten, Raalte.

Municipality Rijssen-Holten

There are 57 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rijssen-Holten with a total of 38,830 inhabitants and 18,767 addresses.

Residences: Holten, Rijssen.

Municipality Staphorst

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Staphorst with a total of 17,973 inhabitants and 8,157 addresses.

Residences: IJhorst, Punthorst, Rouveen, Staphorst.

Municipality Steenwijkerland

There are 125 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Steenwijkerland with a total of 45,706 inhabitants and 26,137 addresses.

Residences: Basse, Belt-Schutsloot, Blankenham, Blokzijl, Brederwiede, De Bult, De Pol, Eesveen, Giethoorn, IJsselham, Kalenberg, Kallenkote, Kuinre, Oldemarkt, Onna, Ossenzijl, Paasloo, Scheerwolde, Sint Jansklooster, Steenwijk, Steenwijkerwold, Tuk, Vollenhove, Wanneperveen, Willemsoord, Witte Paarden, Zuidveen.

Municipality Tubbergen

There are 43 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Tubbergen with a total of 21,508 inhabitants and 10,049 addresses.

Residences: Albergen, Fleringen, Geesteren, Harbrinkhoek, Hezingen, Langeveen, Mander, Manderveen, Mariaparochie, Reutum, Tubbergen, Vasse.

Municipality Twenterand

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Twenterand with a total of 34,115 inhabitants and 16,342 addresses.

Residences: Den Ham, Geerdijk, Vriezenveen, Vroomshoop, Westerhaar-Vriezenveensewijk.

Municipality Wierden

There are 35 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wierden with a total of 25,349 inhabitants and 12,944 addresses.

Residences: Enter, Hoge Hexel, Notter, Wierden, Zuna.

Municipality Zwartewaterland

There are 41 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zwartewaterland with a total of 23,510 inhabitants and 11,268 addresses.

Residences: Genemuiden, Hasselt, Zwartsluis.

Municipality Zwolle

There are 95 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zwolle with a total of 133,830 inhabitants and 71,348 addresses.

Residence: Zwolle.

Province Flevoland

There are 6 municipalities in Province Flevoland with a total of 456,446 inhabitants and 222,047 addresses.

Municipality Almere

There are 310 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Almere with a total of 229,570 inhabitants and 105,843 addresses.

Residence: Almere.

Municipality Dronten

There are 50 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dronten with a total of 44,883 inhabitants and 24,365 addresses.

Residences: Biddinghuizen, Dronten, Swifterbant.

Municipality Lelystad

There are 148 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Lelystad with a total of 84,722 inhabitants and 42,410 addresses.

Residence: Lelystad.

Municipality Noordoostpolder

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Noordoostpolder with a total of 50,803 inhabitants and 25,984 addresses.

Residences: Bant, Creil, Emmeloord, Ens, Espel, Kraggenburg, Luttelgeest, Marknesse, Nagele, Rutten, Tollebeek.

Municipality Urk

There are 13 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Urk with a total of 22,172 inhabitants and 9,016 addresses.

Residence: Urk.

Municipality Zeewolde

There are 13 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zeewolde with a total of 24,296 inhabitants and 14,429 addresses.

Residence: Zeewolde.

Province Guelders

There are 51 municipalities in Province Guelders with a total of 2,161,388 inhabitants and 1,134,550 addresses.

Municipality Aalten

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Aalten with a total of 27,471 inhabitants and 14,005 addresses.

Residences: Aalten, Bredevoort, De Heurne, Dinxperlo.

Municipality Apeldoorn

There are 112 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Apeldoorn with a total of 168,563 inhabitants and 91,465 addresses.

Residences: Apeldoorn, Beekbergen, Beemte Broekland, Hoenderloo, Hoog Soeren, Klarenbeek, Lieren, Loenen, Uddel, Ugchelen, Wenum Wiesel.

Municipality Arnhem

There are 108 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Arnhem with a total of 169,302 inhabitants and 91,635 addresses.

Residence: Arnhem.

Municipality Barneveld

There are 58 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Barneveld with a total of 63,160 inhabitants and 34,475 addresses.

Residences: Barneveld, De Glind, Garderen, Kootwijk, Kootwijkerbroek, Stroe, Terschuur, Voorthuizen, Zwartebroek.

Municipality Berg en Dal

There are 55 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Berg en Dal with a total of 35,556 inhabitants and 18,406 addresses.

Residences: Beek, Berg en Dal, Groesbeek, Heilig Landstichting, Kekerdom, Leuth, Millingen aan de Rijn, Ooij, Ubbergen.

Municipality Berkelland

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Berkelland with a total of 43,922 inhabitants and 23,999 addresses.

Residences: Beltrum, Borculo, Eibergen, Geesteren, Gelselaar, Haarlo, Neede, Rekken, Rietmolen, Ruurlo.

Municipality Beuningen

There are 49 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Beuningen with a total of 26,742 inhabitants and 13,033 addresses.

Residences: Beuningen, Ewijk, Weurt, Winssen.

Municipality Bronckhorst

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bronckhorst with a total of 36,007 inhabitants and 19,118 addresses.

Residences: Baak, Drempt, Halle, Hengelo, Hengelo (Gld.), Hoog-Keppel, Hummelo, Hummelo en Keppel, Keijenborg, Laag-Keppel, Olburgen, Steenderen, Toldijk, Vierakker, Vorden, Wichmond, Zelhem.

Municipality Brummen

There are 46 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Brummen with a total of 21,394 inhabitants and 11,869 addresses.

Residences: Brummen, Eerbeek, Empe, Hall, Leuvenheim, Tonden.

Municipality Buren

There are 47 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Buren with a total of 27,976 inhabitants and 13,139 addresses.

Residences: Asch, Beusichem, Buren, Eck en Wiel, Erichem, Ingen, Kerk-Avezaath, Lienden, Maurik, Ommeren, Ravenswaaij, Rijswijk, Zoelen, Zoelmond.

Municipality Culemborg

There are 23 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Culemborg with a total of 30,293 inhabitants and 15,323 addresses.

Residence: Culemborg.

Municipality Doesburg

There are 13 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Doesburg with a total of 11,120 inhabitants and 6,819 addresses.

Residence: Doesburg.

Municipality Doetinchem

There are 96 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Doetinchem with a total of 60,051 inhabitants and 31,783 addresses.

Residences: Doetinchem, Gaanderen, Wehl.

Municipality Druten

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Druten with a total of 19,748 inhabitants and 10,171 addresses.

Residences: Afferden, Deest, Druten, Horssen, Puiflijk.

Municipality Duiven

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Duiven with a total of 24,937 inhabitants and 12,158 addresses.

Residences: Duiven, Groessen, Loo.

Municipality Ede

There are 89 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ede with a total of 124,262 inhabitants and 63,326 addresses.

Residences: Bennekom, De Klomp, Ede, Ederveen, Harskamp, Lunteren, Otterlo, Wekerom.

Municipality Elburg

There are 26 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Elburg with a total of 23,903 inhabitants and 12,442 addresses.

Residences: 't Harde, Doornspijk, Elburg.

Municipality Epe

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Epe with a total of 33,469 inhabitants and 19,311 addresses.

Residences: Emst, Epe, Oene, Vaassen.

Municipality Ermelo

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ermelo with a total of 28,127 inhabitants and 17,427 addresses.

Residence: Ermelo.

Municipality Harderwijk

There are 77 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Harderwijk with a total of 50,070 inhabitants and 26,371 addresses.

Residences: Harderwijk, Hierden.

Municipality Hattem

There are 13 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hattem with a total of 12,744 inhabitants and 6,503 addresses.

Residence: Hattem.

Municipality Heerde

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heerde with a total of 19,305 inhabitants and 9,436 addresses.

Residences: Heerde, Veessen, Wapenveld.

Municipality Heumen

There are 22 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heumen with a total of 16,866 inhabitants and 8,590 addresses.

Residences: Heumen, Malden, Nederasselt, Overasselt.

Municipality Lingewaard

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Lingewaard with a total of 47,655 inhabitants and 23,238 addresses.

Residences: Angeren, Bemmel, Doornenburg, Gendt, Haalderen, Huissen.

Municipality Lochem

There are 43 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Lochem with a total of 34,314 inhabitants and 19,333 addresses.

Residences: Almen, Barchem, Eefde, Epse, Gorssel, Harfsen, Joppe, Kring van Dorth, Laren, Lochem.

Municipality Maasdriel

There are 30 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Maasdriel with a total of 26,288 inhabitants and 12,238 addresses.

Residences: Alem, Ammerzoden, Hedel, Heerewaarden, Hoenzadriel, Hurwenen, Kerkdriel, Rossum, Velddriel, Well.

Municipality Montferland

There are 31 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Montferland with a total of 36,994 inhabitants and 18,558 addresses.

Residences: 's-Heerenberg, Azewijn, Beek, Bergh, Braamt, Didam, Kilder, Lengel, Loerbeek, Stokkum, Zeddam.

Municipality Neder-Betuwe

There are 22 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Neder-Betuwe with a total of 25,800 inhabitants and 10,815 addresses.

Residences: Dodewaard, Echteld, IJzendoorn, Kesteren, Ochten, Opheusden.

Municipality Nijkerk

There are 39 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nijkerk with a total of 45,725 inhabitants and 22,769 addresses.

Residences: Hoevelaken, Nijkerk, Nijkerkerveen.

Municipality Nimeguen

There are 54 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nimeguen with a total of 188,981 inhabitants and 103,101 addresses.

Residences: Lent, Nijmegen.

Municipality Nunspeet

There are 17 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nunspeet with a total of 29,390 inhabitants and 15,286 addresses.

Residences: Elspeet, Hulshorst, Nunspeet, Vierhouten.

Municipality Oldebroek

There are 30 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oldebroek with a total of 24,426 inhabitants and 11,867 addresses.

Residences: 't Loo Oldebroek, Hattemerbroek, Noordeinde, Oldebroek, Oosterwolde, Wezep.

Municipality Oost Gelre

There are 49 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oost Gelre with a total of 30,048 inhabitants and 15,628 addresses.

Residences: Groenlo, Harreveld, Lichtenvoorde, Lievelde, Mariënvelde, Vragender, Zieuwent.

Municipality Oude IJsselstreek

There are 37 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oude IJsselstreek with a total of 39,502 inhabitants and 19,603 addresses.

Residences: Breedenbroek, Etten, Gendringen, Heelweg, Megchelen, Netterden, Silvolde, Sinderen, Terborg, Ulft, Varsselder, Varsseveld, Voorst, Westendorp, Wisch.

Municipality Overbetuwe

There are 110 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Overbetuwe with a total of 48,943 inhabitants and 24,001 addresses.

Residences: Andelst, Driel, Elst, Herveld, Heteren, Oosterhout, Randwijk, Slijk-Ewijk, Valburg, Zetten.

Municipality Putten

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Putten with a total of 24,953 inhabitants and 14,260 addresses.

Residence: Putten.

Municipality Renkum

There are 67 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Renkum with a total of 31,498 inhabitants and 17,573 addresses.

Residences: Doorwerth, Heelsum, Heveadorp, Oosterbeek, Renkum, Wolfheze.

Municipality Rheden

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rheden with a total of 43,785 inhabitants and 25,072 addresses.

Residences: De Steeg, Dieren, Ellecom, Laag-Soeren, Rheden, Spankeren, Velp.

Municipality Rozendaal

There are 4 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rozendaal with a total of 1,836 inhabitants and 749 addresses.

Residence: Rozendaal.

Municipality Scherpenzeel

There are 5 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Scherpenzeel with a total of 10,541 inhabitants and 5,115 addresses.

Residence: Scherpenzeel.

Municipality Tiel

There are 35 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Tiel with a total of 42,590 inhabitants and 22,526 addresses.

Residences: Kapel Avezaath, Tiel, Wadenoijen.

Municipality Voorst

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Voorst with a total of 25,567 inhabitants and 12,762 addresses.

Residences: Klarenbeek, Nijbroek, Steenenkamer, Terwolde, Teuge, Twello, Voorst, Wilp.

Municipality Wageningen

There are 46 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wageningen with a total of 42,802 inhabitants and 21,722 addresses.

Residence: Wageningen.

Municipality West Betuwe

There are 79 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality West Betuwe with a total of 53,263 inhabitants and 24,872 addresses.

Residences: Acquoy, Asperen, Beesd, Buurmalsen, Deil, Enspijk, Est, Geldermalsen, Gellicum, Haaften, Heesselt, Hellouw, Herwijnen, Heukelum, Lingewaal, Meteren, Neerijnen, Ophemert, Opijnen, Rhenoy, Rumpt, Spijk, Tricht, Tuil, Varik, Vuren, Waardenburg.

Municipality West Maas en Waal

There are 25 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality West Maas en Waal with a total of 20,601 inhabitants and 10,767 addresses.

Residences: Alphen, Altforst, Appeltern, Beneden-Leeuwen, Boven-Leeuwen, Dreumel, Maasbommel, Wamel.

Municipality Westervoort

There are 8 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Westervoort with a total of 15,202 inhabitants and 7,354 addresses.

Residence: Westervoort.

Municipality Wijchen

There are 70 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wijchen with a total of 41,833 inhabitants and 21,895 addresses.

Residences: Balgoij, Batenburg, Bergharen, Hernen, Niftrik, Wijchen.

Municipality Winterswijk

There are 20 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Winterswijk with a total of 29,217 inhabitants and 16,218 addresses.

Residences: Winterswijk, Winterswijk Henxel, Winterswijk Huppel, Winterswijk Kotten, Winterswijk Meddo, Winterswijk Miste, Winterswijk Ratum, Winterswijk Woold.

Municipality Zaltbommel

There are 32 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zaltbommel with a total of 30,396 inhabitants and 15,009 addresses.

Residences: Aalst, Brakel, Bruchem, Delwijnen, Gameren, Kerkwijk, Nederhemert, Nieuwaal, Poederoijen, Zaltbommel, Zuilichem.

Municipality Zevenaar

There are 53 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zevenaar with a total of 45,212 inhabitants and 24,103 addresses.

Residences: Aerdt, Angerlo, Babberich, Giesbeek, Herwen, Lathum, Lobith, Pannerden, Rijnwaarden, Spijk, Tolkamer, Zevenaar.

Municipality Zutphen

There are 38 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zutphen with a total of 49,038 inhabitants and 27,312 addresses.

Residences: Warnsveld, Zutphen.

Province Utrecht

There are 26 municipalities in Province Utrecht with a total of 1,408,878 inhabitants and 727,813 addresses.

Municipality Amersfoort

There are 179 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Amersfoort with a total of 163,310 inhabitants and 85,189 addresses.

Residences: Amersfoort, Hoogland, Hooglanderveen.

Municipality Baarn

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Baarn with a total of 25,187 inhabitants and 14,210 addresses.

Residences: Baarn, Lage Vuursche.

Municipality Bunnik

There are 12 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bunnik with a total of 16,281 inhabitants and 7,967 addresses.

Residences: Bunnik, Odijk, Werkhoven.

Municipality Bunschoten

There are 12 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bunschoten with a total of 22,690 inhabitants and 10,753 addresses.

Residences: Bunschoten-Spakenburg, Eemdijk.

Municipality De Bilt

There are 35 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality De Bilt with a total of 43,794 inhabitants and 23,572 addresses.

Residences: Bilthoven, De Bilt, Groenekan, Hollandsche Rading, Maartensdijk, Westbroek.

Municipality De Ronde Venen

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality De Ronde Venen with a total of 45,924 inhabitants and 24,594 addresses.

Residences: Abcoude, Amstelhoek, Baambrugge, Mijdrecht, Vinkeveen, Waverveen, Wilnis, de Hoef.

Municipality Eemnes

There are 12 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Eemnes with a total of 9,927 inhabitants and 5,162 addresses.

Residence: Eemnes.

Municipality Houten

There are 73 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Houten with a total of 50,943 inhabitants and 24,082 addresses.

Residences: 't Goy, Houten, Schalkwijk, Tull en 't Waal.

Municipality IJsselstein

There are 33 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality IJsselstein with a total of 33,349 inhabitants and 16,183 addresses.

Residence: IJsselstein.

Municipality Leusden

There are 35 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Leusden with a total of 31,911 inhabitants and 15,604 addresses.

Residences: Achterveld, Leusden, Stoutenburg.

Municipality Lopik

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Lopik with a total of 14,805 inhabitants and 6,979 addresses.

Residences: Benschop, Jaarsveld, Lopik, Lopikerkapel, Polsbroek.

Municipality Montfoort

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Montfoort with a total of 13,779 inhabitants and 6,825 addresses.

Residences: Linschoten, Montfoort.

Municipality Nieuwegein

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nieuwegein with a total of 66,750 inhabitants and 37,172 addresses.

Residence: Nieuwegein.

Municipality Oudewater

There are 23 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oudewater with a total of 10,350 inhabitants and 5,285 addresses.

Residences: Hekendorp, Oudewater, Papekop, Snelrewaard.

Municipality Renswoude

There are 4 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Renswoude with a total of 5,781 inhabitants and 2,612 addresses.

Residence: Renswoude.

Municipality Rhenen

There are 45 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rhenen with a total of 20,399 inhabitants and 9,766 addresses.

Residences: Elst, Rhenen.

Municipality Soest

There are 38 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Soest with a total of 48,001 inhabitants and 26,237 addresses.

Residences: Soest, Soesterberg.

Municipality Stichtse Vecht

There are 110 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Stichtse Vecht with a total of 66,124 inhabitants and 34,338 addresses.

Residences: Breukelen, Kockengen, Loenen, Loenen aan de Vecht, Loenersloot, Maarssen, Nieuwer Ter Aa, Nieuwersluis, Nigtevecht, Oud Zuilen, Tienhoven, Vreeland.

Municipality Utrecht

There are 122 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Utrecht with a total of 376,435 inhabitants and 197,935 addresses.

Residences: De Meern, Haarzuilens, Utrecht, Vleuten, Vleuten-De Meern.

Municipality Utrechtse Heuvelrug

There are 39 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Utrechtse Heuvelrug with a total of 50,941 inhabitants and 27,421 addresses.

Residences: Amerongen, Doorn, Driebergen-Rijsenburg, Leersum, Maarn, Maarsbergen, Overberg.

Municipality Veenendaal

There are 45 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Veenendaal with a total of 70,339 inhabitants and 34,801 addresses.

Residence: Veenendaal.

Municipality Vijfheerenlanden

There are 128 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Vijfheerenlanden with a total of 62,554 inhabitants and 30,636 addresses.

Residences: Ameide, Everdingen, Hagestein, Hei- en Boeicop, Hoef en Haag, Kedichem, Leerbroek, Leerdam, Lexmond, Meerkerk, Nieuwland, Oosterwijk, Schoonrewoerd, Tienhoven aan de Lek, Vianen, Zederik, Zijderveld.

Municipality Wijk bij Duurstede

There are 23 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wijk bij Duurstede with a total of 23,826 inhabitants and 11,712 addresses.

Residences: Cothen, Langbroek, Wijk bij Duurstede.

Municipality Woerden

There are 40 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Woerden with a total of 53,974 inhabitants and 26,765 addresses.

Residences: Harmelen, Kamerik, Woerden, Zegveld.

Municipality Woudenberg

There are 14 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Woudenberg with a total of 14,764 inhabitants and 6,728 addresses.

Residence: Woudenberg.

Municipality Zeist

There are 41 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zeist with a total of 66,740 inhabitants and 35,285 addresses.

Residences: Austerlitz, Bosch en Duin, Den Dolder, Huis ter Heide, Zeist.

Province Noord-Holland

There are 44 municipalities in Province Noord-Holland with a total of 2,993,088 inhabitants and 1,712,744 addresses.

Municipality Aalsmeer

There are 13 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Aalsmeer with a total of 33,209 inhabitants and 17,053 addresses.

Residences: Aalsmeer, Kudelstaart.

Municipality Alkmaar

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Alkmaar with a total of 112,923 inhabitants and 65,097 addresses.

Residences: Alkmaar, De Rijp, Driehuizen, Graft, Graft-De Rijp, Grootschermer, Koedijk, Markenbinnen, Oterleek, Oudorp, Schermer, Schermerhorn, Starnmeer, Stompetoren, West-Graftdijk, Zuidschermer.

Municipality Amstelveen

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Amstelveen with a total of 95,862 inhabitants and 52,237 addresses.

Residence: Amstelveen.

Municipality Amsterdam

There are 628 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Amsterdam with a total of 935,793 inhabitants and 572,605 addresses.

Residences: Amsterdam, Weesp.

Municipality Bergen (Noord-Holland)

There are 44 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bergen (Noord-Holland) with a total of 29,718 inhabitants and 22,218 addresses.

Residences: Bergen, Bergen aan Zee, Egmond, Egmond aan Zee, Egmond aan den Hoef, Egmond-Binnen, Groet, Schoorl.

Municipality Beverwijk

There are 48 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Beverwijk with a total of 43,005 inhabitants and 24,163 addresses.

Residences: Beverwijk, Wijk aan Zee.

Municipality Blaricum

There are 11 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Blaricum with a total of 12,951 inhabitants and 6,307 addresses.

Residence: Blaricum.

Municipality Bloemendaal

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bloemendaal with a total of 23,583 inhabitants and 11,781 addresses.

Residences: Aerdenhout, Bennebroek, Bloemendaal, Overveen, Vogelenzang.

Municipality Castricum

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Castricum with a total of 36,616 inhabitants and 20,097 addresses.

Residences: Akersloot, Castricum, Limmen.

Municipality Den Helder

There are 74 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Den Helder with a total of 56,655 inhabitants and 36,519 addresses.

Residences: Den Helder, Huisduinen, Julianadorp.

Municipality Diemen

There are 46 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Diemen with a total of 33,256 inhabitants and 18,840 addresses.

Residence: Diemen.

Municipality Dijk en Waard

There are 95 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dijk en Waard with a total of 90,745 inhabitants and 45,883 addresses.

Residences: Broek op Langedijk, Heerhugowaard, Koedijk, Langedijk, Noord-Scharwoude, Oudkarspel, Sint Pancras, Zuid-Scharwoude.

Municipality Drechterland

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Drechterland with a total of 20,485 inhabitants and 10,308 addresses.

Residences: Hem, Hoogkarspel, Oosterblokker, Schellinkhout, Venhuizen, Westwoud, Wijdenes.

Municipality Edam-Volendam

There are 40 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Edam-Volendam with a total of 37,145 inhabitants and 19,079 addresses.

Residences: Beets, Edam, Kwadijk, Middelie, Oosthuizen, Volendam, Warder, Zeevang.

Municipality Enkhuizen

There are 25 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Enkhuizen with a total of 18,843 inhabitants and 10,852 addresses.

Residence: Enkhuizen.

Municipality Gooise Meren

There are 63 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gooise Meren with a total of 61,015 inhabitants and 33,859 addresses.

Residences: Bussum, Muiden, Muiderberg, Naarden.

Municipality Haarlem

There are 133 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Haarlem with a total of 168,655 inhabitants and 97,108 addresses.

Residences: Haarlem, Spaarndam.

Municipality Haarlemmermeer

There are 116 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Haarlemmermeer with a total of 165,220 inhabitants and 85,945 addresses.

Residences: Aalsmeerderbrug, Abbenes, Badhoevedorp, Beinsdorp, Buitenkaag, Burgerveen, Cruquius, Haarlemmerliede, Haarlemmerliede en Spaarnwoude, Halfweg, Hoofddorp, Lijnden, Lisserbroek, Nieuw-Vennep, Rijsenhout, Spaarndam, Vijfhuizen, Weteringbrug, Zwaanshoek, Zwanenburg.

Municipality Heemskerk

There are 50 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heemskerk with a total of 39,387 inhabitants and 21,435 addresses.

Residence: Heemskerk.

Municipality Heemstede

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heemstede with a total of 27,639 inhabitants and 14,956 addresses.

Residence: Heemstede.

Municipality Heiloo

There are 29 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heiloo with a total of 24,342 inhabitants and 13,458 addresses.

Residence: Heiloo.

Municipality Hilversum

There are 53 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hilversum with a total of 94,351 inhabitants and 51,478 addresses.

Residence: Hilversum.

Municipality Hollands Kroon

There are 87 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hollands Kroon with a total of 49,984 inhabitants and 27,558 addresses.

Residences: 't Veld, Anna Paulowna, Barsingerhorn, Breezand, Den Oever, Hippolytushoef, Kolhorn, Kreileroord, Lutjewinkel, Middenmeer, Niedorp, Nieuwe Niedorp, Oude Niedorp, Slootdorp, Westerland, Wieringen, Wieringermeer, Wieringerwaard, Wieringerwerf, Winkel, Zijdewind.

Municipality Hoorn

There are 89 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hoorn with a total of 76,050 inhabitants and 39,770 addresses.

Residences: Blokker, Hoorn, Zwaag.

Municipality Huizen

There are 44 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Huizen with a total of 41,197 inhabitants and 21,564 addresses.

Residence: Huizen.

Municipality Koggenland

There are 71 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Koggenland with a total of 23,826 inhabitants and 12,980 addresses.

Residences: Avenhorn, Berkhout, De Goorn, Hensbroek, Obdam, Oudendijk, Scharwoude, Spierdijk, Ursem, Wester-Koggenland, Zuidermeer.

Municipality Landsmeer

There are 14 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Landsmeer with a total of 11,748 inhabitants and 5,814 addresses.

Residences: Den Ilp, Ilpendam, Landsmeer, Purmerland.

Municipality Laren

There are 12 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Laren with a total of 11,474 inhabitants and 6,307 addresses.

Residence: Laren.

Municipality Medemblik

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Medemblik with a total of 45,943 inhabitants and 24,306 addresses.

Residences: Abbekerk, Andijk, Benningbroek, Hauwert, Medemblik, Midwoud, Nibbixwoud, Noorder-Koggenland, Oostwoud, Opperdoes, Sijbekarspel, Twisk, Wervershoof, Wognum, Zwaagdijk-Oost, Zwaagdijk-West.

Municipality Oostzaan

There are 6 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oostzaan with a total of 9,727 inhabitants and 4,971 addresses.

Residence: Oostzaan.

Municipality Opmeer

There are 52 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Opmeer with a total of 12,468 inhabitants and 6,396 addresses.

Residences: Aartswoud, De Weere, Hoogwoud, Opmeer, Spanbroek.

Municipality Ouder-Amstel

There are 9 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ouder-Amstel with a total of 14,526 inhabitants and 9,615 addresses.

Residences: Amsterdam-Duivendrecht, Duivendrecht, Ouderkerk aan de Amstel.

Municipality Purmerend

There are 40 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Purmerend with a total of 95,921 inhabitants and 49,749 addresses.

Residences: Beemster, Middenbeemster, Noordbeemster, Purmerend, Westbeemster, Zuidoostbeemster.

Municipality Schagen

There are 97 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Schagen with a total of 48,402 inhabitants and 30,610 addresses.

Residences: 't Zand, Burgerbrug, Callantsoog, Dirkshorn, Harenkarspel, Oudesluis, Petten, Schagen, Schagerbrug, Sint Maarten, Sint Maartensbrug, Sint Maartensvlotbrug, Tuitjenhorn, Waarland, Warmenhuizen, Zijpe.

Municipality Stede Broec

There are 30 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Stede Broec with a total of 22,252 inhabitants and 10,665 addresses.

Residences: Bovenkarspel, Grootebroek, Lutjebroek.

Municipality Texel

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Texel with a total of 13,844 inhabitants and 13,879 addresses.

Residences: De Cocksdorp, De Koog, De Waal, Den Burg, Den Hoorn, Oosterend, Oudeschild.

Municipality Uitgeest

There are 8 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Uitgeest with a total of 13,423 inhabitants and 6,774 addresses.

Residence: Uitgeest.

Municipality Uithoorn

There are 23 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Uithoorn with a total of 32,117 inhabitants and 16,429 addresses.

Residences: De Kwakel, Uithoorn.

Municipality Velsen

There are 74 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Velsen with a total of 70,004 inhabitants and 40,512 addresses.

Residences: Driehuis, IJmuiden, Santpoort-Noord, Santpoort-Zuid, Velsen-Noord, Velsen-Zuid, Velserbroek.

Municipality Waterland

There are 26 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Waterland with a total of 17,547 inhabitants and 9,444 addresses.

Residences: Broek in Waterland, Ilpendam, Katwoude, Marken, Monnickendam, Watergang, Zuiderwoude.

Municipality Wijdemeren

There are 25 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wijdemeren with a total of 24,662 inhabitants and 14,951 addresses.

Residences: 's-Graveland, Ankeveen, Kortenhoef, Loosdrecht, Nederhorst den Berg, ’s-Graveland.

Municipality Wormerland

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wormerland with a total of 16,421 inhabitants and 8,844 addresses.

Residences: Jisp, Oostknollendam, Wijdewormer, Wormer.

Municipality Zaanstad

There are 99 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zaanstad with a total of 162,784 inhabitants and 87,893 addresses.

Residences: Assendelft, Koog aan de Zaan, Krommenie, Westknollendam, Westzaan, Wormerveer, Zaandam, Zaandijk.

Municipality Zandvoort

There are 24 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zandvoort with a total of 17,370 inhabitants and 12,435 addresses.

Residences: Bentveld, Zandvoort.

Province Zuid-Holland

There are 50 municipalities in Province Zuid-Holland with a total of 3,862,920 inhabitants and 2,085,275 addresses.

Municipality Alblasserdam

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Alblasserdam with a total of 20,247 inhabitants and 9,973 addresses.

Residence: Alblasserdam.

Municipality Albrandswaard

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Albrandswaard with a total of 26,710 inhabitants and 12,094 addresses.

Residences: Poortugaal, Rhoon.

Municipality Alphen aan den Rijn

There are 117 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Alphen aan den Rijn with a total of 115,746 inhabitants and 60,727 addresses.

Residences: Aarlanderveen, Alphen aan den Rijn, Benthuizen, Boskoop, Hazerswoude, Hazerswoude-Dorp, Hazerswoude-Rijndijk, Koudekerk aan den Rijn, Rijneveld, Rijnwoude, Zwammerdam.

Municipality Barendrecht

There are 86 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Barendrecht with a total of 48,568 inhabitants and 23,263 addresses.

Residence: Barendrecht.

Municipality Bodegraven-Reeuwijk

There are 62 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bodegraven-Reeuwijk with a total of 37,220 inhabitants and 18,583 addresses.

Residences: Bodegraven, Driebruggen, Nieuwerbrug aan den Rijn, Reeuwijk, Waarder.

Municipality Capelle aan den IJssel

There are 89 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Capelle aan den IJssel with a total of 68,673 inhabitants and 36,676 addresses.

Residence: Capelle aan den IJssel.

Municipality Delft

There are 105 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Delft with a total of 110,224 inhabitants and 60,374 addresses.

Residence: Delft.

Municipality The Hague

There are 159 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality The Hague with a total of 568,419 inhabitants and 313,658 addresses.

Residences: Den Haag, 's Gravenhage.

Municipality Dordrecht

There are 146 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dordrecht with a total of 122,847 inhabitants and 68,042 addresses.

Residence: Dordrecht.

Municipality Goeree-Overflakkee

There are 73 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Goeree-Overflakkee with a total of 52,208 inhabitants and 36,318 addresses.

Residences: Achthuizen, Den Bommel, Dirksland, Goedereede, Herkingen, Melissant, Middelharnis, Nieuwe-Tonge, Ooltgensplaat, Oostflakkee, Ouddorp, Oude-Tonge, Sommelsdijk, Stad aan 't Haringvliet, Stellendam.

Municipality Gorinchem

There are 50 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gorinchem with a total of 38,852 inhabitants and 21,114 addresses.

Residences: Dalem, Gorinchem.

Municipality Gouda

There are 61 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gouda with a total of 76,536 inhabitants and 41,340 addresses.

Residence: Gouda.

Municipality Hardinxveld-Giessendam

There are 30 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hardinxveld-Giessendam with a total of 19,126 inhabitants and 9,037 addresses.

Residence: Hardinxveld-Giessendam.

Municipality Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht with a total of 32,852 inhabitants and 14,957 addresses.

Residence: Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht.

Municipality Hillegom

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hillegom with a total of 22,788 inhabitants and 12,333 addresses.

Residence: Hillegom.

Municipality Hoeksche Waard

There are 56 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hoeksche Waard with a total of 90,768 inhabitants and 46,510 addresses.

Residences: 's-Gravendeel, Binnenmaas, Cromstrijen, Goudswaard, Heinenoord, Klaaswaal, Korendijk, Maasdam, Mijnsheerenland, Mookhoek, Nieuw-Beijerland, Numansdorp, Oud-Beijerland, Piershil, Puttershoek, Strijen, Strijensas, Westmaas, Zuid-Beijerland, ’s-Gravendeel.

Municipality Kaag en Braassem

There are 33 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Kaag en Braassem with a total of 29,305 inhabitants and 16,368 addresses.

Residences: Alkemade, Hoogmade, Jacobswoude, Kaag, Leimuiden, Nieuwe Wetering, Oud Ade, Oude Wetering, Rijnsaterwoude, Rijpwetering, Roelofarendsveen, Woubrugge.

Municipality Katwijk

There are 50 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Katwijk with a total of 67,085 inhabitants and 32,486 addresses.

Residences: Katwijk, Rijnsburg, Valkenburg, Valkenburg (ZH.).

Municipality Krimpen aan den IJssel

There are 8 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Krimpen aan den IJssel with a total of 29,782 inhabitants and 14,757 addresses.

Residence: Krimpen aan den IJssel.

Municipality Krimpenerwaard

There are 81 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Krimpenerwaard with a total of 57,800 inhabitants and 28,818 addresses.

Residences: Ammerstol, Bergambacht, Berkenwoude, Gouderak, Haastrecht, Krimpen aan de Lek, Lekkerkerk, Nederlek, Ouderkerk, Ouderkerk aan den IJssel, Schoonhoven, Stolwijk, Vlist.

Municipality Lansingerland

There are 78 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Lansingerland with a total of 66,093 inhabitants and 30,862 addresses.

Residences: Bergschenhoek, Berkel en Rodenrijs, Bleiswijk.

Municipality Leyden

There are 65 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Leyden with a total of 130,613 inhabitants and 76,897 addresses.

Residence: Leiden.

Municipality Leiderdorp

There are 24 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Leiderdorp with a total of 27,774 inhabitants and 14,669 addresses.

Residence: Leiderdorp.

Municipality Leidschendam-Voorburg

There are 57 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Leidschendam-Voorburg with a total of 78,309 inhabitants and 43,479 addresses.

Residences: Leidschendam, Voorburg.

Municipality Lisse

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Lisse with a total of 23,583 inhabitants and 12,901 addresses.

Residence: Lisse.

Municipality Maassluis

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Maassluis with a total of 36,437 inhabitants and 19,531 addresses.

Residence: Maassluis.

Municipality Midden-Delfland

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Midden-Delfland with a total of 19,422 inhabitants and 9,510 addresses.

Residences: Den Hoorn, Maasland, Schipluiden.

Municipality Molenlanden

There are 135 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Molenlanden with a total of 45,373 inhabitants and 21,219 addresses.

Residences: Arkel, Bleskensgraaf ca, Brandwijk, Giessenburg, Giessenlanden, Goudriaan, Graafstroom, Groot-Ammers, Hoogblokland, Hoornaar, Kinderdijk, Langerak, Liesveld, Molenaarsgraaf, Molenwaard, Nieuw-Lekkerland, Nieuwpoort, Noordeloos, Ottoland, Oud-Alblas, Schelluinen, Streefkerk, Wijngaarden.

Municipality Nieuwkoop

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nieuwkoop with a total of 29,530 inhabitants and 15,115 addresses.

Residences: Liemeer, Nieuwkoop, Nieuwveen, Noorden, Ter Aar, Woerdense Verlaat, Zevenhoven.

Municipality Nissewaard

There are 113 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nissewaard with a total of 88,355 inhabitants and 46,166 addresses.

Residences: Abbenbroek, Bernisse, Geervliet, Heenvliet, Hekelingen, Simonshaven, Spijkenisse, Zuidland.

Municipality Noordwijk

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Noordwijk with a total of 45,946 inhabitants and 28,146 addresses.

Residences: De Zilk, Noordwijk, Noordwijkerhout.

Municipality Oegstgeest

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oegstgeest with a total of 26,054 inhabitants and 12,821 addresses.

Residence: Oegstgeest.

Municipality Papendrecht

There are 44 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Papendrecht with a total of 32,300 inhabitants and 16,802 addresses.

Residence: Papendrecht.

Municipality Pijnacker-Nootdorp

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Pijnacker-Nootdorp with a total of 58,120 inhabitants and 26,231 addresses.

Residences: Delfgauw, Nootdorp, Pijnacker.

Municipality Ridderkerk

There are 25 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Ridderkerk with a total of 48,011 inhabitants and 26,508 addresses.

Residence: Ridderkerk.

Municipality Rijswijk

There are 44 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rijswijk with a total of 60,710 inhabitants and 36,798 addresses.

Residence: Rijswijk.

Municipality Rotterdam

There are 113 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rotterdam with a total of 672,330 inhabitants and 384,707 addresses.

Residences: Hoek van Holland, Hoogvliet Rotterdam, Pernis Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Rozenburg.

Municipality Schiedam

There are 83 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Schiedam with a total of 82,559 inhabitants and 43,442 addresses.

Residence: Schiedam.

Municipality Sliedrecht

There are 38 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Sliedrecht with a total of 26,601 inhabitants and 13,253 addresses.

Residence: Sliedrecht.

Municipality Teylingen

There are 63 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Teylingen with a total of 38,410 inhabitants and 19,700 addresses.

Residences: Sassenheim, Voorhout, Warmond.

Municipality Vlaardingen

There are 49 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Vlaardingen with a total of 77,234 inhabitants and 42,303 addresses.

Residence: Vlaardingen.

Municipality Voorne aan Zee

There are 88 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Voorne aan Zee with a total of 74,544 inhabitants and 40,418 addresses.

Residences: Brielle, Hellevoetsluis, Oostvoorne, Oudenhoorn, Rockanje, Tinte, Vierpolders, Westvoorne, Zwartewaal.

Municipality Voorschoten

There are 14 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Voorschoten with a total of 25,914 inhabitants and 13,640 addresses.

Residence: Voorschoten.

Municipality Waddinxveen

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Waddinxveen with a total of 35,043 inhabitants and 17,427 addresses.

Residence: Waddinxveen.

Municipality Wassenaar

There are 24 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Wassenaar with a total of 27,534 inhabitants and 15,295 addresses.

Residence: Wassenaar.

Municipality Westland

There are 88 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Westland with a total of 116,897 inhabitants and 59,580 addresses.

Residences: 's-Gravenzande, De Lier, Honselersdijk, Kwintsheul, Maasdijk, Monster, Naaldwijk, Poeldijk, Ter Heijde, Wateringen, ’s-Gravenzande.

Municipality Zoetermeer

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zoetermeer with a total of 129,941 inhabitants and 65,652 addresses.

Residence: Zoetermeer.

Municipality Zoeterwoude

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zoeterwoude with a total of 10,142 inhabitants and 5,556 addresses.

Residence: Zoeterwoude.

Municipality Zuidplas

There are 58 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zuidplas with a total of 48,705 inhabitants and 24,985 addresses.

Residences: Moerhuizen, Moerkapelle, Moordrecht, Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel, Zevenhuizen, Zevenhuizen-Moerkapelle.

Municipality Zwijndrecht

There are 102 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zwijndrecht with a total of 44,680 inhabitants and 24,234 addresses.

Residences: Heerjansdam, Zwijndrecht.

Province Zeeland

There are 13 municipalities in Province Zeeland with a total of 393,048 inhabitants and 256,099 addresses.

Municipality Borsele

There are 48 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Borsele with a total of 23,127 inhabitants and 12,284 addresses.

Residences: 's-Gravenpolder, 's-Heer Abtskerke, 's-Heerenhoek, Baarland, Borssele, Driewegen, Ellewoutsdijk, Heinkenszand, Hoedekenskerke, Kwadendamme, Lewedorp, Nieuwdorp, Nisse, Oudelande, Ovezande.

Municipality Goes

There are 39 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Goes with a total of 40,125 inhabitants and 24,148 addresses.

Residences: 's-Heer Arendskerke, 's-Heer Hendrikskinderen, Goes, Kattendijke, Kloetinge, Wilhelminadorp, Wolphaartsdijk.

Municipality Hulst

There are 64 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hulst with a total of 27,385 inhabitants and 16,216 addresses.

Residences: Clinge, Graauw, Heikant, Hengstdijk, Hontenisse, Hulst, Kapellebrug, Kloosterzande, Kuitaart, Lamswaarde, Nieuw Namen, Ossenisse, Sint Jansteen, Terhole, Vogelwaarde, Walsoorden.

Municipality Kapelle

There are 10 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Kapelle with a total of 13,024 inhabitants and 7,105 addresses.

Residences: Kapelle, Schore, Wemeldinge.

Municipality Middelburg

There are 97 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Middelburg with a total of 50,167 inhabitants and 30,653 addresses.

Residences: Arnemuiden, Middelburg, Nieuw- en Sint Joosland.

Municipality Noord-Beveland

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Noord-Beveland with a total of 8,045 inhabitants and 7,818 addresses.

Residences: Colijnsplaat, Geersdijk, Kamperland, Kats, Kortgene, Wissenkerke.

Municipality Reimerswaal

There are 36 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Reimerswaal with a total of 23,334 inhabitants and 11,915 addresses.

Residences: Hansweert, Krabbendijke, Kruiningen, Oostdijk, Rilland, Waarde, Yerseke.

Municipality Schouwen-Duiveland

There are 68 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Schouwen-Duiveland with a total of 34,424 inhabitants and 25,752 addresses.

Residences: Brouwershaven, Bruinisse, Burgh-Haamstede, Dreischor, Duiveland, Ellemeet, Kerkwerve, Middenschouwen, Nieuwerkerk, Noordgouwe, Noordwelle, Oosterland, Ouwerkerk, Renesse, Scharendijke, Serooskerke, Sirjansland, Westerschouwen, Zierikzee, Zonnemaire.

Municipality Sluis

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Sluis with a total of 23,098 inhabitants and 24,000 addresses.

Residences: Aardenburg, Breskens, Cadzand, Eede, Groede, Hoofdplaat, IJzendijke, Nieuwvliet, Oostburg, Retranchement, Schoondijke, Sint Kruis, Sluis, Sluis (oud), Sluis-Aardenburg, Waterlandkerkje, Zuidzande.

Municipality Terneuzen

There are 72 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Terneuzen with a total of 55,663 inhabitants and 33,989 addresses.

Residences: Axel, Biervliet, Hoek, Koewacht, Overslag, Philippine, Sas van Gent, Sluiskil, Terneuzen, Westdorpe, Zaamslag, Zuiddorpe.

Municipality Tholen

There are 26 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Tholen with a total of 26,944 inhabitants and 14,928 addresses.

Residences: Oud-Vossemeer, Poortvliet, Scherpenisse, Sint Philipsland, Sint-Annaland, Sint-Maartensdijk, Stavenisse, Tholen.

Municipality Veere

There are 52 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Veere with a total of 21,944 inhabitants and 18,335 addresses.

Residences: Aagtekerke, Biggekerke, Domburg, Gapinge, Grijpskerke, Koudekerke, Mariekerke, Meliskerke, Oostkapelle, Serooskerke, Valkenisse, Veere, Vrouwenpolder, Westkapelle, Zoutelande.

Municipality Flushing

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Flushing with a total of 45,768 inhabitants and 28,956 addresses.

Residences: Oost-Souburg, Ritthem, Vlissingen.

Province Noord-Brabant

There are 56 municipalities in Province Noord-Brabant with a total of 2,664,364 inhabitants and 1,425,178 addresses.

Municipality Alphen-Chaam

There are 26 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Alphen-Chaam with a total of 10,510 inhabitants and 5,470 addresses.

Residences: Alphen, Alphen en Riel, Chaam, Galder, Strijbeek, Ulvenhout AC.

Municipality Altena

There are 83 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Altena with a total of 58,736 inhabitants and 28,467 addresses.

Residences: Aalburg, Almkerk, Andel, Babyloniënbroek, Drongelen, Dussen, Eethen, Genderen, Giessen, Hank, Meeuwen, Nieuwendijk, Rijswijk, Sleeuwijk, Uitwijk, Veen, Waardhuizen, Werkendam, Wijk en Aalburg, Woudrichem.

Municipality Asten

There are 40 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Asten with a total of 17,390 inhabitants and 8,834 addresses.

Residences: Asten, Heusden, Ommel.

Municipality Baarle-Nassau

There are 14 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Baarle-Nassau with a total of 7,205 inhabitants and 4,810 addresses.

Residences: Baarle-Nassau, Ulicoten.

Municipality Bergeijk

There are 67 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bergeijk with a total of 19,260 inhabitants and 10,695 addresses.

Residences: Bergeijk, Bergeyk, Luyksgestel, Riethoven, Westerhoven.

Municipality Bergen op Zoom

There are 45 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bergen op Zoom with a total of 70,216 inhabitants and 39,702 addresses.

Residences: Bergen op Zoom, Halsteren, Lepelstraat.

Municipality Bernheze

There are 60 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bernheze with a total of 32,618 inhabitants and 15,043 addresses.

Residences: Heesch, Heeswijk-Dinther, Loosbroek, Nistelrode, Vorstenbosch.

Municipality Best

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Best with a total of 31,652 inhabitants and 15,908 addresses.

Residence: Best.

Municipality Bladel

There are 31 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bladel with a total of 21,009 inhabitants and 11,630 addresses.

Residences: Bladel, Bladel en Netersel, Casteren, Hapert, Hoogeloon, Hoogeloon c.a., Netersel.

Municipality Boekel

There are 11 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Boekel with a total of 11,461 inhabitants and 5,572 addresses.

Residences: Boekel, Venhorst.

Municipality Boxtel

There are 25 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Boxtel with a total of 34,237 inhabitants and 17,168 addresses.

Residences: Boxtel, Esch, Haaren, Liempde.

Municipality Breda

There are 68 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Breda with a total of 188,834 inhabitants and 106,729 addresses.

Residences: Bavel, Breda, Nieuw-Ginneken, Prinsenbeek, Teteringen, Ulvenhout.

Municipality Cranendonck

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Cranendonck with a total of 21,739 inhabitants and 11,169 addresses.

Residences: Budel, Budel-Dorplein, Budel-Schoot, Gastel, Maarheeze, Soerendonk.

Municipality Den Bosch

There are 123 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Den Bosch with a total of 161,557 inhabitants and 90,786 addresses.

Residences: Den Bosch, Geffen, Maasdonk, Nuland, Rosmalen, Vinkel, 's Hertogenbosch.

Municipality Deurne

There are 38 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Deurne with a total of 33,388 inhabitants and 16,593 addresses.

Residences: Deurne, Helenaveen, Liessel, Neerkant, Vlierden.

Municipality Dongen

There are 20 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Dongen with a total of 27,565 inhabitants and 13,793 addresses.

Residences: 's Gravenmoer, Dongen, ’s-Gravenmoer.

Municipality Drimmelen

There are 45 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Drimmelen with a total of 28,294 inhabitants and 14,405 addresses.

Residences: Drimmelen, Hooge Zwaluwe, Hooge en Lage Zwaluwe, Lage Zwaluwe, Made, Made en Drimmelen, Terheijden, Wagenberg.

Municipality Eersel

There are 31 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Eersel with a total of 20,389 inhabitants and 10,522 addresses.

Residences: Duizel, Eersel, Knegsel, Steensel, Vessem, Vessem c.a., Wintelre.

Municipality Eindhoven

There are 137 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Eindhoven with a total of 249,054 inhabitants and 144,795 addresses.

Residence: Eindhoven.

Municipality Etten-Leur

There are 58 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Etten-Leur with a total of 45,475 inhabitants and 23,891 addresses.

Residence: Etten-Leur.

Municipality Geertruidenberg

There are 15 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Geertruidenberg with a total of 21,948 inhabitants and 11,826 addresses.

Residences: Geertruidenberg, Raamsdonk, Raamsdonksveer.

Municipality Geldrop-Mierlo

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Geldrop-Mierlo with a total of 40,765 inhabitants and 21,302 addresses.

Residences: Geldrop, Mierlo.

Municipality Gemert-Bakel

There are 34 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gemert-Bakel with a total of 31,534 inhabitants and 15,829 addresses.

Residences: Bakel, Bakel en Milheeze, De Mortel, De Rips, Elsendorp, Gemert, Handel, Milheeze.

Municipality Gilze en Rijen

There are 31 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gilze en Rijen with a total of 28,611 inhabitants and 14,206 addresses.

Residences: Gilze, Hulten, Molenschot, Rijen.

Municipality Goirle

There are 50 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Goirle with a total of 24,461 inhabitants and 12,135 addresses.

Residences: Goirle, Riel.

Municipality Halderberge

There are 26 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Halderberge with a total of 31,351 inhabitants and 16,838 addresses.

Residences: Bosschenhoofd, Hoeven, Oud Gastel, Oud en Nieuw Gastel, Oudenbosch, Stampersgat.

Municipality Heeze-Leende

There are 17 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heeze-Leende with a total of 17,079 inhabitants and 8,618 addresses.

Residences: Heeze, Leende, Sterksel.

Municipality Helmond

There are 57 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Helmond with a total of 96,540 inhabitants and 50,095 addresses.

Residence: Helmond.

Municipality Heusden

There are 29 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heusden with a total of 46,345 inhabitants and 23,513 addresses.

Residences: Drunen, Elshout, Haarsteeg, Hedikhuizen, Herpt, Heusden, Nieuwkuijk, Oudheusden, Vlijmen.

Municipality Hilvarenbeek

There are 17 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Hilvarenbeek with a total of 16,147 inhabitants and 8,874 addresses.

Residences: Biest-Houtakker, Diessen, Esbeek, Haghorst, Hilvarenbeek.

Municipality Laarbeek

There are 20 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Laarbeek with a total of 23,324 inhabitants and 11,491 addresses.

Residences: Aarle-Rixtel, Beek en Donk, Lieshout, Mariahout.

Municipality Land van Cuijk

There are 135 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Land van Cuijk with a total of 92,774 inhabitants and 47,621 addresses.

Residences: Beers, Beugen, Boxmeer, Cuijk, Cuijk en Sint Agatha, Escharen, Gassel, Grave, Groeningen, Haps, Holthees, Katwijk, Landhorst, Langenboom, Ledeacker, Linden, Maashees, Mill, Mill en Sint Hubert, Oeffelt, Oploo, Overloon, Rijkevoort, Sambeek, Sint Agatha, Sint Anthonis, Sint Anthonis en Ledeacker, Sint Hubert, St. Anthonis, Stevensbeek, Velp, Vianen, Vierlingsbeek, Vortum-Mullem, Wanroij, Westerbeek, Wilbertoord.

Municipality Loon op Zand

There are 37 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Loon op Zand with a total of 24,148 inhabitants and 12,804 addresses.

Residences: De Moer, Kaatsheuvel, Loon op Zand.

Municipality Maashorst

There are 46 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Maashorst with a total of 59,668 inhabitants and 31,513 addresses.

Residences: Landerd, Odiliapeel, Reek, Schaijk, Uden, Volkel, Zeeland.

Municipality Meierijstad

There are 98 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Meierijstad with a total of 84,696 inhabitants and 42,790 addresses.

Residences: Erp, Schijndel, Sint-Oedenrode, Veghel.

Municipality Moerdijk

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Moerdijk with a total of 38,274 inhabitants and 21,025 addresses.

Residences: Fijnaart, Fijnaart en Heijningen, Heijningen, Klundert, Langeweg, Moerdijk, Noordhoek, Oudemolen, Standdaarbuiten, Willemstad, Zevenbergen, Zevenbergschen Hoek.

Municipality Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten

There are 14 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nuenen, Gerwen en Nederwetten with a total of 24,291 inhabitants and 12,315 addresses.

Residence: Nuenen.

Municipality Oirschot

There are 20 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oirschot with a total of 19,546 inhabitants and 10,023 addresses.

Residences: Oirschot, Oost West en Middelbeers, Oost-, West- en Middelbeers.

Municipality Oisterwijk

There are 55 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oisterwijk with a total of 33,120 inhabitants and 17,727 addresses.

Residences: Esch, Haaren, Helvoirt, Heukelom, Moergestel, Oisterwijk.

Municipality Oosterhout

There are 59 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oosterhout with a total of 58,381 inhabitants and 32,447 addresses.

Residences: Den Hout, Dorst, Oosteind, Oosterhout.

Municipality Oss

There are 130 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Oss with a total of 95,233 inhabitants and 49,062 addresses.

Residences: Berghem, Deursen-Dennenburg, Dieden, Geffen, Haren, Haren en Macharen, Herpen, Huisseling, Lith, Lithoijen, Macharen, Maren-Kessel, Megen, Oijen, Oss, Overlangel, Ravenstein.

Municipality Reusel-De Mierden

There are 16 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Reusel-De Mierden with a total of 13,653 inhabitants and 6,936 addresses.

Residences: Hooge Mierde, Hooge en Lage Mierde, Hulsel, Lage Mierde, Reusel.

Municipality Roosendaal

There are 70 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Roosendaal with a total of 77,722 inhabitants and 44,084 addresses.

Residences: Heerle, Moerstraten, Nispen, Roosendaal, Roosendaal en Nispen, Wouw, Wouwse Plantage.

Municipality Rucphen

There are 17 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Rucphen with a total of 23,992 inhabitants and 11,717 addresses.

Residences: Rucphen, Schijf, Sprundel, St. Willebrord, Zegge.

Municipality Sint-Michielsgestel

There are 29 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Sint-Michielsgestel with a total of 30,169 inhabitants and 13,884 addresses.

Residences: Berlicum, Den Dungen, Gemonde, Sint-Michielsgestel.

Municipality Someren

There are 43 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Someren with a total of 20,214 inhabitants and 10,280 addresses.

Residences: Lierop, Someren.

Municipality Son en Breugel

There are 11 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Son en Breugel with a total of 18,130 inhabitants and 8,906 addresses.

Residence: Son en Breugel.

Municipality Steenbergen

There are 24 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Steenbergen with a total of 24,584 inhabitants and 13,095 addresses.

Residences: De Heen, Dinteloord, Dinteloord en Prinsenland, Kruisland, Nieuw-Vossemeer, Steenbergen.

Municipality Tilburg

There are 314 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Tilburg with a total of 230,359 inhabitants and 127,491 addresses.

Residences: Berkel-Enschot, Biezenmortel, Haaren, Tilburg, Udenhout.

Municipality Valkenswaard

There are 24 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Valkenswaard with a total of 31,958 inhabitants and 17,696 addresses.

Residence: Valkenswaard.

Municipality Veldhoven

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Veldhoven with a total of 47,604 inhabitants and 25,317 addresses.

Residence: Veldhoven.

Municipality Vught

There are 28 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Vught with a total of 33,024 inhabitants and 16,804 addresses.

Residences: Cromvoirt, Haaren, Helvoirt, Vught.

Municipality Waalre

There are 7 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Waalre with a total of 17,894 inhabitants and 9,164 addresses.

Residence: Waalre.

Municipality Waalwijk

There are 27 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Waalwijk with a total of 51,238 inhabitants and 26,866 addresses.

Residences: Sprang-Capelle, Waalwijk, Waspik.

Municipality Woensdrecht

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Woensdrecht with a total of 22,194 inhabitants and 13,033 addresses.

Residences: Hoogerheide, Huijbergen, Ossendrecht, Putte, Woensdrecht.

Municipality Zundert

There are 17 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Zundert with a total of 22,804 inhabitants and 11,869 addresses.

Residences: Achtmaal, Klein Zundert, Rijsbergen, Wernhout, Zundert.

Province Limburg

There are 31 municipalities in Province Limburg with a total of 1,135,506 inhabitants and 648,381 addresses.

Municipality Beek

There are 11 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Beek with a total of 16,245 inhabitants and 9,056 addresses.

Residences: Beek, Maastricht-Airport, Spaubeek.

Municipality Beekdaelen

There are 37 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Beekdaelen with a total of 35,817 inhabitants and 18,737 addresses.

Residences: Amstenrade, Bingelrade, Doenrade, Hulsberg, Jabeek, Merkelbeek, Nuth, Oirsbeek, Onderbanken, Puth, Schimmert, Schinnen, Schinveld, Sweikhuizen, Wijnandsrade.

Municipality Beesel

There are 11 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Beesel with a total of 13,525 inhabitants and 7,503 addresses.

Residences: Beesel, Reuver.

Municipality Bergen (Limburg)

There are 24 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Bergen (Limburg) with a total of 13,063 inhabitants and 6,546 addresses.

Residences: Afferden, Bergen, Siebengewald, Well, Wellerlooi.

Municipality Brunssum

There are 51 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Brunssum with a total of 27,531 inhabitants and 16,824 addresses.

Residence: Brunssum.

Municipality Echt-Susteren

There are 70 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Echt-Susteren with a total of 32,273 inhabitants and 18,429 addresses.

Residences: Echt, Koningsbosch, Maria Hoop, Nieuwstadt, Roosteren, Sint Joost, Susteren.

Municipality Eijsden-Margraten

There are 41 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Eijsden-Margraten with a total of 26,180 inhabitants and 13,538 addresses.

Residences: Banholt, Bemelen, Cadier en Keer, Eckelrade, Eijsden, Gronsveld, Margraten, Mheer, Noorbeek, Scheulder, Sint Geertruid.

Municipality Gennep

There are 22 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gennep with a total of 17,783 inhabitants and 9,685 addresses.

Residences: Gennep, Heijen, Milsbeek, Ottersum, Ven-Zelderheide.

Municipality Gulpen-Wittem

There are 37 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Gulpen-Wittem with a total of 14,016 inhabitants and 8,217 addresses.

Residences: Epen, Eys, Gulpen, Ingber, Mechelen, Reijmerstok, Slenaken, Wijlre, Wittem.

Municipality Heerlen

There are 81 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Heerlen with a total of 87,514 inhabitants and 55,587 addresses.

Residences: Heerlen, Hoensbroek.

Municipality Horst aan de Maas

There are 66 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Horst aan de Maas with a total of 44,276 inhabitants and 23,353 addresses.

Residences: America, Broekhuizen, Broekhuizenvorst, Evertsoord, Griendtsveen, Grubbenvorst, Hegelsom, Horst, Kronenberg, Lottum, Meerlo, Meerlo-Wanssum, Melderslo, Meterik, Sevenum, Swolgen, Tienray.

Municipality Kerkrade

There are 22 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Kerkrade with a total of 45,485 inhabitants and 29,186 addresses.

Residences: Eygelshoven, Kerkrade.

Municipality Landgraaf

There are 31 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Landgraaf with a total of 36,850 inhabitants and 20,426 addresses.

Residence: Landgraaf.

Municipality Leudal

There are 49 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Leudal with a total of 36,108 inhabitants and 18,889 addresses.

Residences: Baexem, Buggenum, Ell, Grathem, Haelen, Haler, Heibloem, Heythuysen, Horn, Hunsel, Ittervoort, Kelpen-Oler, Neer, Neeritter, Nunhem, Roggel, Roggel en Neer.

Municipality Maasgouw

There are 25 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Maasgouw with a total of 24,501 inhabitants and 13,974 addresses.

Residences: Beegden, Heel, Heel en Panheel, Linne, Maasbracht, Ohé en Laak, Stevensweert, Thorn, Wessem.

Municipality Maastricht

There are 52 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Maastricht with a total of 125,666 inhabitants and 76,850 addresses.

Residence: Maastricht.

Municipality Meerssen

There are 18 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Meerssen with a total of 18,459 inhabitants and 9,478 addresses.

Residences: Bunde, Geulle, Meerssen, Moorveld, Ulestraten.

Municipality Mook en Middelaar

There are 8 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Mook en Middelaar with a total of 8,103 inhabitants and 4,408 addresses.

Residences: Middelaar, Molenhoek, Mook, Plasmolen.

Municipality Nederweert

There are 21 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Nederweert with a total of 17,516 inhabitants and 8,697 addresses.

Residences: Leveroy, Nederweert, Nederweert-Eind, Ospel.

Municipality Peel en Maas

There are 65 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Peel en Maas with a total of 45,899 inhabitants and 22,900 addresses.

Residences: Baarlo, Beringe, Egchel, Grashoek, Helden, Kessel, Koningslust, Maasbree, Meijel, Panningen.

Municipality Roerdalen

There are 31 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Roerdalen with a total of 20,830 inhabitants and 11,326 addresses.

Residences: Ambt Montfort, Herkenbosch, Melick, Melick en Herkenbosch, Montfort, Posterholt, Sint Odilienberg, Sint Odiliënberg, Vlodrop.

Municipality Roermond

There are 47 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Roermond with a total of 61,227 inhabitants and 34,509 addresses.

Residences: Herten, Roermond, Swalmen.

Municipality Simpelveld

There are 12 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Simpelveld with a total of 10,272 inhabitants and 6,189 addresses.

Residences: Bocholtz, Simpelveld.

Municipality Sittard-Geleen

There are 46 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Sittard-Geleen with a total of 92,487 inhabitants and 55,377 addresses.

Residences: Born, Buchten, Einighausen, Geleen, Grevenbicht, Guttecoven, Holtum, Limbricht, Munstergeleen, Obbicht, Papenhoven, Sittard.

Municipality Stein

There are 17 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Stein with a total of 24,652 inhabitants and 13,241 addresses.

Residences: Elsloo, Stein, Urmond.

Municipality Vaals

There are 12 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Vaals with a total of 10,015 inhabitants and 7,184 addresses.

Residences: Lemiers, Vaals, Vijlen.

Municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul

There are 39 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Valkenburg aan de Geul with a total of 16,460 inhabitants and 10,416 addresses.

Residences: Berg en Terblijt, Schin op Geul, Valkenburg.

Municipality Venlo

There are 136 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Venlo with a total of 103,982 inhabitants and 60,353 addresses.

Residences: Arcen, Arcen en Velden, Belfeld, Lomm, Steyl, Tegelen, Velden, Venlo.

Municipality Venray

There are 56 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Venray with a total of 44,810 inhabitants and 23,189 addresses.

Residences: Blitterswijck, Castenray, Geijsteren, Heide, Leunen, Merselo, Oirlo, Oostrum, Smakt, Venray, Veulen, Vredepeel, Wanssum, Ysselsteyn.

Municipality Voerendaal

There are 23 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Voerendaal with a total of 12,583 inhabitants and 6,471 addresses.

Residences: Klimmen, Ransdaal, Voerendaal.

Municipality Weert

There are 55 boroughs and neighbourhoods in Municipality Weert with a total of 51,378 inhabitants and 27,843 addresses.

Residences: Stramproy, Weert.


Click on the municipality name in the list above to open the overview page with boroughs and neighbourhoods per municipality. For each municipality, the residences with more than 200 inhabitants are shown. Additionally, names of municipalities that were incorporated after reorganization are displayed in this column. There is a page with data for every province, municipality, borough, and neighbourhood in the Netherlands.


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Regional statistics
More than 250 statistical topics in clear charts, maps and tables for each regional level in the Netherlands: the country, provinces, municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods.

Check out the regional statistical about more than 250 topics in clear charts, maps and tables for each regional level in the Netherlands: the country, provinces, municipalities, boroughs and neighborhoods! Based on the official data by multiple official providers of data in The Netherlands. Updated monthly with the lastest data.